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Cambusbarron Nursery Class Newsletter April/May 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Cambusbarron Nursery Class Newsletter April/May 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambusbarron Nursery Class Newsletter April/May 2017
Dates for your diary: Every Wednesday: Library Fri 21st: Playgroup, shared playtime Week 24th-28th April: Observation week Mon 1st May: Holiday – NURSERY CLOSED Tue 2nd May: collect your child’s fluoride appl. forms Mon 8th May: Nursery group Photo Sat 20th May: School spring fair Sat 20th May: Nursery Fundraiser at GO APE (pm time to follow) Welcome back to all of you and hope you had a lovely Easter break. We just wanted to say thankyou for a great turnout at the children’s open day and for all of you who were able to help on our nursery trip to Stirling Castle. We have had superb feedback from yourselves and the children are still talking about castles! Our next learning context is ‘Local Woodland’ but over the next week the staff will be carrying out child observations and we will let you know where their ideas for their learning takes us. We should have quite a bit of construction and garden development happening so the children are going to be very busy. With this in mind please make sure your children have appropriate outdoor (and preferably old) clothes.

2 Childsmile: all pre-school children will be able to participate in the fluoride applications which will take place on Wednesday 31st May. If your child does not attend nursery on a Wednesday please speak to Mrs Gass. All forms will be distributed from Tues 2nd May and have to be returned by Wednesday 17th May. Our Facebook page has been launched! We have been sending out a few messages and so far the response has been great. One message explains the school and authority’s view of the proposed planning application.  Search for Cambusbarron Primary and Nursery and ‘like’ our page. We continue to Tweet on an ongoing basis sharing the Children’s learning and information so remember to follow us GO APE the staff team are doing a fundraiser at GO APE in Aberfoyle on Saturday 20th May to raise money for our Outdoor Awning which will cover the decking area. We have had a couple of relies from our request for families to participate but are still able to accept more so If you are interested, please speak to Mrs Gass ASAP. We will be putting out sponsor forms soon and would appreciate if you would share them with your families. You are welcome to come along and cheer us on and we will let you know what time we take off…literally!! Nursery Group Photo The nursery group photo will taken on Monday 8th May. If your child does not attend on a Monday, you are welcome to pop up with your child about 9.15 or to be included. Transition This is ongoing between nursery and the school and you will be kept up to date through our Transition Wall and What we have been learning today board. The transition team will be meeting next week to plan the next stage of transition activities. A letter detailing what to expect will follow shortly. Buggies, trikes & scooters: Now the weather is better, if you have to leave a buggy, child’s bike or scooter for the nursery session, can you please park them underneath the entrance ramp to stop congestion. We are looking forward to the last term where there will be lots of planting and growing going on in the nursery garden. If you can help with your green fingers, please speak to a member of staff. Thanks. Lyndsay Gass & the Nursery Team

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