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New Seat Once you have found you seat

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Presentation on theme: "New Seat Once you have found you seat"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Seat Once you have found you seat
Talk to you group about the following: If you traveled and to where What was the best thing that happened over break? What was the worst thing that happened over break? How it was getting up for school today?

2 Notes cards Answer the following questions on your notecard
Did you get the grade you wanted last semester? If yes what are you going to do to get the same grade or improve upon it If no what are some things you could do differently to improve you grade for this semester What are some things I can do to help improve your understanding and your grade?

3 Survey Results Based on your survey results here are a few things I will be try to work on this semester Check more for understanding More consistent with rules and expectations The way I questions and or listen to your answers Fun – look for more games or interesting way to review ideas learned

4 Lines, Lines, Lines Review of y = mx + b, how to calculate slope, write equations and graph lines

5 Graphing Lines Plot any 2 points and connect with a line Or Plot y – intercept and do slope (rise/run) from the yintercept

6 Example Graph the line y = 2/3x -1

7 Intercepts X – intercept where line crosses the x axis, y=0 How do you get this from the equation? Sub 0 in for y and solve for x How do you get this from the graph Look for the intersection on the x-axis Y – intercept where line crosses the y – axis, x=0 Sub 0 in for x and solve for y or the b value in the equation Look for the intersection on the y-axis

8 Example: x and y intercepts

9 Rate of Change and Slope
m is the slope of the line the change in the y values over the change in the x Rise of the line over the run Positive sloping line goes up from left to right Negative sloping line goes down from left to right Horizontal line no rise only a run, m=0 Vertical line no run only a rise, m=undefined

10 Example: rate or slope

11 Example: Calculate slope

12 Slope intercept from Y = mx + b Solving for y, get y by itself to help find the slope and y- intercept Be able to substitute the values in for m and b to get the equation

13 Example

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