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More opportunities than extra work ? / !

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1 More opportunities than extra work ? / !
Flanders Hydraulics Research – Wouter Vanneuville Workshop WG-F, september 2008, Dublin

2 Introduction Who does what in Belgium? 2 policy domains
Regions are responsible (legislation (decrees)on same level as Belgian laws), so no national framework. Juridical implementation linked with WFD Technical implementation linked with WFD: international stream district plans 2 policy domains VMM (Flemish Environmental Agency) Deaprtment Mobility and Public Works

3 Introduction (2) Flanders Hydraulics Research Decision level
Technical implementation for water managers (W&Z, DS) Flemish Risk Methodology Decision level CIW (coordination commission integrated water policy) Working group water quantity Working group water system knowledge Flemish Government Before elections of June 2009

4 Definitions of risk Differs through era’s
Before 18th century (Petit Robert 1663): risk is a danger we are more or less able to foresee and we protect ourselves against it; Since 18th century: risk is an accident that occurs once and never occurred in the past in a similar situation resulting in action from the public authorities to avoid it happens a second time. Differs with the audience / sector Justice: unforeseen and suddenly appearing with incontestable consequences; Insurance: the evaluation of risk is the product of the severity related to the probability a harmful event occurs; Culture (UNESCO): risk is the combination of chance of an event and its vulnerability.

5 FloodSite definitions
Language of risk report: practical definition Risk = (probability) x (consequence) Advantage of risk: not only return periods, differentiation in measures Natural language: do we communicate effectively to the general public? (for Flanders: no) Is there consistency in legislation? (for Flanders: no) Consequences / vulnerability: + and –

6 Example: economic risk
A: probability low, consequences high B: probability higher, consequences lower A B

7 Flemish methodology: concept

8 Flemish methodology: concept (2)
w a t e rstand O v e r s c h r i j d i n g s f r e q u e n t i e RISK = Σ (DAMAGE x FREQUENTY)

9 LATIS No acronym, an old Celtic God of Water (and Beer)

10 Consequences: different types of damage
Tangible versus intangible Monetary valuable versus non monetary valuable Based on replacement values Internal versus external Damage in the flooded area or outside Direct versus indirect Indirect also called secondary damage Indirect is often related to external damage too Indirect damage is partly taken into account by rising factors Act as a public authority: aggregated values Comparable to a re-insurer + public goods

11 Since EXCIMAP More attention to communication about maps (professionals) More standardisation (lay-out, colour codes, classes) Adding new elements to the existing methodology: If values and “hydraulic parameter” vs. damage relations can be derived: full integration in the methodology If no values available or relationships for damage can’t be integrated (with enough detail and level of accuracy): separated layers prepared for automated mapping

12 Affected inhabitants

13 Affected inhabitans Temporally in separated sub-modules
When “technical” information is accepted: full integration is optional Data transformations always create: Loss of information or Increased data capacity needed! (Huxhold W.E. & Levinsohn A.G., 1995, Managing Geographic Information System Projects, Oxford University Press, N.Y.)

14 Type of economic activity

15 Type of economic activity
Errors in maps were not that important in the past (only small parts of industrial sites) Errors become very important now! (number of affected sites) Actual procedure is manual (not really a lot of work for our models) To increase objectivity and to decrease probability of random errors by manual interpretation a semi-automatic routine will be written Integration with the existing model is decreasing the errors in the risk values (€/m².year) Better basic data solving the problem cannot be expected for data sets covering the whole of Flanders (and also the hydraulic models are grid / raster files) LATIS sub-models for industry are re-written more detailed and will be implemented next months

16 Polluting installations and protected areas
Added to the base layer packages so over-print is standardized; Errors in available basic data layers are fixed manual; Updates of basic data layers not automated in LATIS (will be a long time story) Less influencing the Flemish methodology

17 Conclusions More opportunities than extra work !
EXCIMAP: good guidance for actions to make the risk model (LATIS) and output maps better (keep it simple!) Triggering improvements in other tasks: Semi-2D or 2D hydraulic models: what’s the added value? Refinement (and better definitions) of victim models (and affected people) Thanks for your attention … and questions (if time left …)

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