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Rahul Kavi SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2013

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1 Rahul Kavi SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2013
Day 5: Excel Chapters 2 Rahul Kavi SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2013

2 RECAP Formatting. Number Formats. Printing and Page Layout.
Cell References. Commonly used functions, other functions(Date & Time) Nested Functions.

3 Conditional IF(condition, then, else)
Equal = Not Equal <> Less Than <, LT or Equal <= Greater Than >, GT or Equal >= Example: You want to add bonus points if there is a yes in the bonus column IF(C2=“YES”,B2+$E$2,B2)

4 Nested Functions You can use a function as the parameter for another function. Example: Drop the lowest grade 5 Assignments, 25 points each SUM(B2:F2, -MIN(B2:F2))

5 Payments Used for calculating loan payments
PMT(rate, number of periods, present value) Rate is per payment period Present value is usually negative (loans are debt)

6 Lookup Functions VLOOKUP(value, lookup table, column)
value is the item to look up the table should use absolute references ($A$1:$B$6) column is the column in the lookup table to get the return value HLOOKUP(value, lookup table, row) same as VLOOKUP, but for horizontal lookup tables

7 Range names Range names make it easier to specify ranges in formulas and find ranges within large spreadsheets Must begin with a letter or underscore Only letters, numbers, underscores, and periods You can reference the range in formulas with the name instead of using absolute references

8 Managing range names Name Box Name Manager Tool Use in Formula
Formulas->Name Manager Can add, edit, or delete ranges names Use in Formula Paste Names as documentation Find name for formula Autocomplete will show range names, double click the name to fill it in

9 Things to remember MyITLab Lesson A Due Today (03/09/2013).
Homework/Assignment posted. Homework/Assignment due on 09/13/2013 Revise previous slides for Class Project soon.


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