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Unit 5 Fresh Food.

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1 Unit 5 Fresh Food

2 SBp48-63 61 WBp40-53 51 Reader 1 U5-U6 Worksheet LTE: 3/9 – 3/23
3/28 English Exam(段考範圍) SBp WBp Reader 1 U5-U6 Worksheet LTE: 3/9 – 3/23

3 3/15 Lesson WBp46 (checking answers) WBp47 (下載學習單) SB-Unit 6 p58-59

4 Unit 5 – Workbook p46

5 Workbook (p46) part 16 Complete the chart.
Argentina Swaziland France Month 1. February 2. February Crop (農作物) 3. fruit 4. December January grapes lemons

6 Workbook (p46) part 17 Answer the questions.
1. How long does the harvest festival in Mendoza last? It lasts for one month. 2. What is the name of the festival in Swaziland? It’s called “Incwala”.

7 Workbook (p46) part 17 Answer the questions.
3. How many people visit the Menton Lemon Festival? More than 200,000 people visit the festival.

8 Unit 5 – Workbook p47


10 Paragraphs of Opinion In a paragraph of opinion(意見;想法), you express(表達) your opinion about something. You give the reasons(理由) why you feel this way. Use words and expressions that introduce(介紹) your opinion, such as I think, in my opinion, and I believe.

11 I think in my opinion I believe
Part 18 Read. How does the writer introduce opinions? Underline the words and expressions. I think in my opinion I believe

12 Fresh Food or Canned Food?
When you shop for food, you can buy fresh food or canned food(罐頭食物). Which is better? I think fresh food tastes better.

13 Fresh food is good for you
Fresh food is good for you. It does not have any extra(額外的) salt or sugar. You know just what you are eating. But you have to wash it first because sometimes it is a little dirty.

14 There are some positive(正面的) and negative(負面的) things about canned foods, too. In my opinion, canned food is more convenient (方便的) because it lasts(持續) longer than fresh food.

15 Also, with canned food you can always have fruit and vegetables- even in winter. But canned food usually has extra salt or sugar, and I believe this is bad for you.

16 Also, canned foods make more trash because you have to throw the cans(罐子) away.
I think fresh foods are better than canned foods.

17 fresh food vs canned food
positive points: fresh food canned food It tastes better. It’s more convenient. It’s better for you. It lasts longer. You know what you are eating. You can buy it in winter.

18 fresh food vs canned food
negative points: fresh food canned food You have to wash it because it can be a little dirty. It has extra salt or sugar. It makes more trash.

19 Part 19 Write. Write about food from supermarkets and food from local farms. Describe some positive points and some negative points about each one. Express your opinion.

20 I think the food from local farms is fresh and cheaper.
Examples: I think the food from local farms is fresh and cheaper. 2. In my opinion, a lot of food from supermarkets is canned, and the food can last longer. 3. I think there aren’t farms in some cities.

21 Unit 6

22 Warm Up long ago past today present In Unit 6, we’ll talk about how life today is different from life in the past.

23 SB: p58-59

24 Warm up This photo was taken in Uttar Pradesh, India(印度). The man in the picture wears a traditional long shirt and a head covering called a turban. Men in India have worn turbans for hundreds of years. The boy is wearing modern clothes.

25 SBp60 How did people spend time long ago?
How were their days different from our days today? How were they the same?

26 Preview

27 3/15 Homework 1.下載及完成學習單- WBp47 和 Review WS 2.預習SB- Unit 6 p60

28 下載及完成學習單 WBp47

29 下載及完成學習單 Review Worksheet


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