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Switchgrass 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Switchgrass 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 switchgrass 1

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8 8 Bonus, not on the list, write in if you know it

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20 9) Silurian 440,000,000 =4.410^8 7/25 correct 3/25 = 9 4/25 = 6
3/25 =10 24million 5 plesitocene/Holocene/ice age 1 Precambrian 2 blank

21 1) Corn (native to mexico Yucatan) 25
Wheat (native to middle east) 25 Spring and winter are same species Rice (native to asia/africa) 4 Barley (native to middle east) 7 Sorgum (native to africa) 4 Rye (native to middle east) 2 Oats (native to middle east) 3 Millet (native to middle east) 1 Soy (Nope! legume family) native to china 2 Garlic mustard (Nope! Brassica family) native to Europe 1 Alfalfa (Nope legume family) 3/ = 16 2/ = 9

22 2) Cool season grasses are C3 plants, warm season grasses are C4 plants that are more efficient at photosynthesis in hot dry conditions. Open stomata at night to prevent water loss fix carbon into Malate, cellular (bundel sheeth) separate biochemical functions

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