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Developing Outreach & Education Programs

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Outreach & Education Programs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Outreach & Education Programs
Linda Walls Rominski Community Outreach Manager May 21, 2010

2 Develop a contact database
Consumers Consumer Organizations

3 Reach out to community groups & organizations
Community groups and organizations Social Service Organizations City Government Senior Center Service clubs Build a database of consumer organizations and consumers

4 Develop collateral materials
Brochures, fact sheets PowerPoint Presentation Web site Newsletter articles

5 Maintain regular contact
Presentations Train-the-Trainer Newsletter Mailings blasts Web site updates OCC, working with many other consumer groups, worked to oppose the legislation. OCC created fact sheets detailing the contents of the legislation and provided this information to agencies and organizations throughout the state. Janine Migden-Ostrander provided testimony in opposition to the bill at both the House and Senate.

6 Presentations in the community
Train-the-Trainer Forums Partnerships OCC continues to fight for additional consumer protections

7 Source of information Web site Printed materials Call center
Speakers’ Bureau

8 Thank You! 1-877- PICK OCC (742-5622)

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