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Social Structure in Digital Age

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1 Social Structure in Digital Age
Muhammad Irawan Saputra, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom| University of Brawijaya

2 Coleman (1961) adolescent society
structured network of peer groups with an informal status hierarchy of groups and individuals within the groups Connected to the stratification of achievement in adult society

3 Johnson-Smaragdi et al.
The internet should not be considered a separate kind of media but rather as a medium of integration, reuniting different kinds of media, school, home, leisure and work in process communication

4 includes Maintaining and extending friendship network Harassment and bullying Completing homework Sexual exploration Plagiarizing Health information Self harm

5 Schmidt (2007) Individual actions of blogging are framed by the social structure of blogosphere, which in turn are (re)produced by such micro-level actions

6 History Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 1a Event 1b Event 2a Event 2b
Make a timeline of the important historical events.

7 Interesting facts List some interesting facts about Women’s History Month.

8 Women’s history leaders
Choose three leaders in women’s history and discuss their lives and accomplishments.

9 Arts and literature Provide examples of art and literature that are significant to Women’s History Month.

10 How we celebrate List some ways we celebrate Women’s History Month around the nation.

11 Conclusion Provide a brief summary of your presentation.

12 Questions & answers Invite questions from the audience.

13 Resources List the resources you used for your research.

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