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Housekeeping Welcome! We’ll be with you shortly. The chat will be used for questions. All attendees will be muted. Please feel free to use the chat for.

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Presentation on theme: "Housekeeping Welcome! We’ll be with you shortly. The chat will be used for questions. All attendees will be muted. Please feel free to use the chat for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housekeeping Welcome! We’ll be with you shortly. The chat will be used for questions. All attendees will be muted. Please feel free to use the chat for questions.

2 Developing (or Re-thinking) your Guided Pathways Leadership Structure
Janet Fulks ASCCC Faculty Lead Guided Pathways Capacity Building ASCCC Guided Pathways Task Force- Member Carrie Roberson ASCCC North Representative ASCCC Guided Pathways Task Force-Chair Marcy Alancraig Cabrillo College, English Professor / Faculty Lead for Guided Pathways Randy Beach Southwestern College, English Professor / Jaguar Pathways Faculty Coordinator ASCCC Guided Pathways Task Force- Member

3 Description/Overview
How do you get a leadership team started for Guided Pathways? What if you have a team but things are just not moving like you thought they would? Join as we look at several different strategies for beginning and sustaining leadership in your Guided Pathways efforts.

4 ASCCC, Decision-Making and Guided Pathways
Role of the faculty in decision-making codified in Education Code and clarified in Title 5 regulations Consistently ASCCC has reaffirmed shared governance in the context of Guided Pathways ASCCC’s role as provided of professional development for faculty and engagement with system partners and the CCCCO Guided Pathways Liaisons ASCCC Academic Academy, September 14-15, 2018 Many breakouts and general sessions at plenaries and institutes on GP Resolutions and Rostrum articles affirming the role of local senates

5 The Local Picture: What do the Faculty Say
Locally, most decision making structures have similar components Faculty reassigned to take on leadership roles A high-level oversight body created specifically for guided pathways leadership that interacts and reports to existing governance structures Effective design, implementation, and sustainability must rely as much as possible on existing decision-making structures Get on governance committee agendas

6 Characteristics of Effective Decision-making Structures
Fluid and able to change as the work changes Integrated with existing governance structures Institutionalization of a mature structure is needed Communicates the "problem"(making – and re-making the case) to all in the governance structure and consistently and returns to these foundational principles Values and pursues full campus participation High-level leadership is supportive and engaged Supports all those involved in the endeavor

7 Characteristics of an Effective Oversight Body
Has a clearly defined connection to existing governance structures Is inclusive – it is critical that traditional “silos” not be re-created as the college determines how to approach a full-scale guided pathways implementation Has a clearly defined decision making-process Has a clearly defined role and mission Communicates its work to the college as a whole

8 Word from the Field: Bakersfield College1
Implementation Taskforce approved by the senate Includes classified, admin and faculty Positions identified by the need and tasks in our plan and ad hocs as needed Faculty are compensated Senate president on the taskforce and regular reports to constituents Integration into existing decision-making supports transparency Open attitude to try things, assess, and then drop, improve or continue Bakersfield College Leadership Phases 1-3 1 Bakersfield College is one of the 30 colleges participating in the national American Association of Community Colleges’ Pathways Project

9 Word from the Field: Cabrillo College1
Structure Two leads with full reassign - Faculty and Dean Oversight group - Pathways Implementation Team (PIT Crew) Four workgroups, organized by pillars - faculty paid and others aren’t More details: Cabrillo’s College’s GP Implementation Structure Lessons Learned Effort to mix Student Services, Instruction and Classified staff on teams supremely well worth it Don’t organize work by the four pillars Consider holding facilitation training for all the leads Work out an equitable way to pay everyone for their time Leverage resources: created new process to fund Guided Pathways redesign projects 1 Cabrillo College is one of the 20 colleges participating in the California Community Colleges Foundation Pathways Project

10 Word from the Field: Southwestern College1
SWC accepted into the CA Guided Pathways Project (“the 20”) GP Implementation Team began working to satisfy CAGP requirements Special Assistant to the president named Submitted Work Plan to CCCCO to qualify for grant funding Work groups created based on four work plan areas GP Advisory Committee assembled / perspectives from all sectors Program Mapping Design Team developed mapping process / work plan Guided Pathways Summit in June 1 Southwestern College is one of the 20 colleges participating in the California Community Colleges Foundation Pathways Project


12 Orange Coast College Implementation Team: Partnered leadership from faculty and administration. There are three Design Teams Design Teams: Curricular Pathways Design Team- team to develop "meta-majors" or curricular pathways that are aligned with employment goals or future educational goals. Once the clusters are determined, programs and courses will be mapped to the pathways. Onboarding Design Team- team to review all aspects from outreach, applications processes, registration, orientation placement and Ed-plans. Once the curricular pathways are determined, onboarding will be aligned to these mapped clusters. Intervention Strategies Design Team- team to examine support structures to keep students on their path. Technology and programs will be evaluated from early alert at the course level through meeting their goals within their pathways and programs. Reports to: Senate, Trustees, Student Senate not part of the CA 20 or AACC

13 Submitted by Jeffrey Hernandez - not a California 20

14 Not a California 20

15 Word from the Field: College of the Canyons1
Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence Committee (IE)2 Small steering committee and a subcommittee of the College Planning Team (CPT) Seven workgroups under (IE)2 Workgroup model promotes cross-functional collaboration and inquiry (IE)2 pays close attention to meeting facilitation to ensure collaboration and the sense that all are heard Stresses “making the case” so people feel the “calling” of the work Effective decision-making grounded in communication 1 College of the Canyons is one of the 20 colleges participating in the California Community Colleges Foundation Pathways Project

16 Word from the Field: MiraCosta1
Coordinating group, led by the Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness (RPIE) Provides recommendations to work groups and final recommendations for implementation to the College Council Various work groups, organized by guided pathways pillars Workgroups consist of faculty, administrators, classified staff, and student representatives Exploring revitalizing and repurposing a dormant “student success” committee Current goal to more effectively integrate and institutionalized GP as part of the existing governance structure 1 MiraCosta College is one of the 20 colleges participating in the California Community Colleges Foundation Pathways Project

17 ASCCC Resources Resolution F Local Academic Senate Role in Developing and Implementing Guided Pathways Frameworks Resolution F Academic Senate Role in Appointing Faculty for Guided Pathways Framework Design and Implementation Resolution F Support for Local Academic Senates in Committing to a Guided Pathways Framework “Effective Participation in Governance: Policies and Practices”, October 2017 Rostrum “Power in the Collective: Faculty, Collegial Consultation, and Collaboration”, Rostrum, April 2017 ASCCC Guided Pathways Resources Website

18 ASCCC Resources •ASCCC GP Canvas -
•ASCCC Guided Pathways RESOURCES

19 Next Webinars: Guided Pathways Open Forum: Acknowledging Successes and Showing Gratitude This will be an interactive session as we go into Thanksgiving and prepare for finals. Please come prepared to share what has been going well at your college with regards to Guided Pathways. At the end of this session we will have a collection of the things that have worked so far for various colleges. November 21, :30- 1:30 Starting the New Year Right: Listening to Students on Opening Day and Beyond Student voices and experiences are a powerful asset when making your case for guided pathways and are crucial data when designing your college's guided pathways framework. But what are effective ways to engage students in guided pathways conversations and design? In this session, presenters will offer ideas for working with students and collecting data to inform your guided pathways efforts. November 28, :30-1:30 Carrie

20 Are you willing to share your leadership structure with ASCCC?
Please add your name and college to the chat if you’re willing to participate in our next webinar highlighting accomplishments and achievements. Are you willing to share your leadership structure with ASCCC? If you would like to participate in research on faculty leadership in Guided Pathways structures, please contact Michele Pilati,


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