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You're supposed to shake hands!

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2 You're supposed to shake hands!
Unit12 You're supposed to shake hands!

3 Section A 1a~4

4 Question If your friend introduces his or her pen pal from a foreign country to you, do you know how to greet him or her?

5 Language points: be supposed to do 被期望或要求做……; 应该做…… be not supposed to do 不被许可做…… Everyone is supposed to know the law. We’re not supposed to play basketball in the classroom.

6 Talent show: If you meet someone in the following countries, what are you supposed to do? Please show your conversations in pairs. ★ Brazil ★ the United States ★ Japan ★ Mexico ★ Korea kiss bow shake hands

7 Pairwork (1c): What are people in different countries supposed to do when they meet for the first time? T: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time? S: …

8 shaking hands:You should shake hands with others with a smile
shaking hands:You should shake hands with others with a smile. At the same time you shouldn’t wear hats or gloves when you do this. Usually, the time of shaking hands shouldn’t last no more than 3 seconds. It is polite to wait for the ladies, the leaders or the old to show their hands first, then you can shake with them. CULTURE

9 bow:When you bow to others, you should stand at attention and take off your hat to show your respect. kiss: If you meet a friend or your relative, you can greet him or her with a hug or a kiss on the cheeks. If you are a couple, you can hug and kiss, but if you are parents and children, you just kiss on the face or forehead. If you are brothers or sisters, you just kiss on the cheeks. CULTURE

10 Listening practice! 2a & 2b Maria's mistakes! arrived late greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way wore the wrong clothes

11 greeted others the wrong way
Fill in the chart according to 2a & 2b: Maria’s mistakes Maria was supposed to … arrived late greeted others the wrong way wore the wrong clothes arrive at 7 (a little earlier) shake hands with Paul’s mother wear a T-shirt and jeans

12 Groupwork What are you supposed to do, when you ▼ greet teachers
▼ do homework ▼ phone someone ▼ visit someone’s place ▼ make plans with friends ▼ are on time ▼ give gifts Groupwork

13 Homework Make at least five conversations using the information in activity 4. Make 5 sentences with “be supposed to do…” Find some information about table manners in different countries.

14 Section B 1~4

15 eat or drink while walking down the street
Manners in Japan! Please fill in the blanks. eat or drink while walking down the street You aren’t supposed to _____________. You shouldn’t _____________________. It’s rude ________________________. It’s polite _______________________. point at anyone with your chopsticks to stick your chopsticks into your food to make noise while eating noodles

16 3a You aren’t supposed to … You are supposed to…
Read the and make a list of table manners in France! You aren’t supposed to … You are supposed to… put your bread on your plate. put it on the table. eat anything with your hands except bread. cut fruit up and eat it with a fork. say you are full. say “It was delicious.” put your hands in your lap. keep your hands on the table.

17 4 Talk in groups! Now you are a Chinese guide, a group of visitors from the USA are coming. Make a list of things people are supposed to do in different situations!

18 Fill in the blanks in self-check 1.
Homework Fill in the blanks in self-check 1. Write an to solve Fan Ling’s problems! (self-check 2)

19 1.When you are invited to dinner by Americans, the hostess expects you to be there on time or not more than a few minutes later. 2.When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is common for the men to help ladies by pushing their chairs under them. Some families have a habit of offering a prayer of thanks before they eat. 3.Europeans keep the knife on the right hand, the fork on the left. But Americans use just one hand, and keep the other one on the lap. They constantly change their fork to the left hand when they have to cut meat. CULTURE

20 4. You should leave a spoon to lie flat
4. You should leave a spoon to lie flat. (a coffee spoon on the saucer, a soup spoon on the service plate beside the soup bowl.) 5.When Americans eat the bread, they hold it in their fingers, usually break it first. 6.If you have to leave during the meal, you should ask the hostess, “Would you please excuse me for a minute?” After the meal, you needn’t fold the napkins unless you are house guests and want to stay for more than one meal. 7.When you leave, it is a custom for you to say: “Goodbye. It was so nice of you to have me.” or “Thank you. I’ve had a nice time.” Then, maybe you can send a thank-you note. CULTURE

21 You're supposed to write quickly!
Reading You're supposed to write quickly!

22 is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.
English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. meaning

23 Can you write an example of each on your own ?
abbreviations homophone punctuation marks English Can you write an example of each on your own ? types

24 1a~1b How R U? How are you? CU See you! BTW By the way.
CUL8r See you later! 1a~1b BRB CU2morrow ASAP I’ll be right back. See you tomorrow! as soon as possible Please write more expressions like the ones above!

25 is not supposed to be used___________.
English is supposed to be used______________. is not supposed to be used___________. on a mobile phone in class situations

26 Co-operative Time! Section 4 Complete the chart and discuss your answers with your partner. Do these two on your own: 1.I had a great weekend. And you? 2.Oh no!I am going to be late. My English ideas Do them with a partner: 3.I have seen that movie four times. It’s great! 4.Excuse me. Could you please help me? Our English ideas

27 Homework Find more information about e-mail English.
Write a note to some friends using English.

28 Thank you!

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