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What is integrity?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is integrity?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is integrity?

2 Integrity is … 1. Doing what we say we will 2. Taking total responsibility for your actions 3. Taking care of yourself without depending entirely on others 4. Thinking about the big picture – “Is this good for other people?” 5. Respecting others 6. Is reflecting and admitting when they are wrong 7. Standing up and speaking out if something is wrong

3 Integrity Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing.
Lose your health and you have lost something. Lose your integrity and you have lost everything.

4 Integrity Don’t compromise yourself It’s all you have got

5 Integrity Is the inner voice that warns us Somebody is Looking

6 What you are Is more important than what you say

7 It is better… To deserve honours And not have them Than to have them
Not deserve them

8 Rather fail with honour
Than succeed by fraud

9 Stand up for what is right
Even if you are standing alone

10 A Cheating Culture Bigger rewards are leading us to temptation. Using the excuse “everybody does it” does not make it acceptable for you to do it.

11 “Integrity is taking only ONE cookie when no one would know if you took TWO”
Dennis the Menace

12 Integrity is … 1. Doing what we say we will 2. Taking total responsibility for your actions 3. Taking care of yourself without depending entirely on others 4. Thinking about the big picture – “Is this good for other people?” 5. Respecting others 6. Is reflecting and admitting when they are wrong 7. Standing up and speaking out if something is wrong

13 People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But people will never forget How you made them feel. Maya Angelou

14 Credit http://www. google. co. uk/url

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