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CEOS OpenSearch Project

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1 CEOS OpenSearch Project
CEOS WGISS Meeting #41 M. Albani, P. Mougnaud, A. Della Vecchia (ESA) Y. Coene (Spacebel) WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

2 Best Practice Finalisation
Agenda Overview Best Practice Finalisation Project Conclusion WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

3 Best Practice Finalisation
Agenda Overview Best Practice Finalisation Project Conclusion WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

4 Goals Establish OpenSearch Best Practices of CEOS Catalog systems
- Simple spec of catalog web service - OSDD, HTTP/GET, Atom - Easy to implement - Mainstream web technology aware - OGC standard (geo+time ext.) WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

5 Why Open Search Best Practice
Promote the use of the OpenSearch standard as a means of data discovery for Earth Data providers Define the expectations and requirements of candidate OpenSearch implementations Remove ambiguity in implementation where possible Facilitate the aggregation of results between disparate Earth Data providers via OpenSearch common standards Allow for clients to access search engines via an OpenSearch Description Document (OSDD) with no a priori knowledge of the interface Facilitate smooth integration between related OpenSearch implementations, such as a dataset resource collection that refers to granule resource collections from another provider WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

6 CEOS OpenSearch I CEOS WGISS OpenSearch I Project, closed with WGISS-40, led by: JAXA Yoshiyuki Kudo (co-lead of the project) Satoko Miura CNES Jérôme Gasperi (co-lead of the project) Richard Moreno WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

7 CEOS OpenSearch II CEOS WGISS OpenSearch II Project, started with WGISS 40, lead by: ESA Andrea Della Vecchia Philippe Mougnaud Yves Coene On the basis of the WGISS-40 meeting conclusions (WGISS-40 MoM), the following targets have been defined: Consolidation and finalization of updated CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice document by WGISS 41 (Action WGISS-40-11) Updating of the CEOS Developer Guide document in accordance with the BP finalisation Start discussion about CEOS Open Search Conformance Tests document WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

8 Best Practice Finalisation
Agenda Overview Best Practice Finalisation Project Conclusion WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

9 Background Recommendations (see Sec. of WGISS-40 MoM)
At WGISS-40 a number of recommendations for the project have been proposed, discussed and preliminarily agreed: Update of CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice v1.0.1, with refactoring and finalization of Developer's Guide, and a conformance test environment - definition of CEOS Conformance Test to verify compliance with respect to CEOS BP of external OpenSearch servers; To refactor and not introduce additional requirements in the Developer Guide, referring to the Best Practice requirements when providing guidance, and moving agreed additional requirements to an update of the Best Practice document; Update of CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice v1.0.1 to clarify/strengthen applicability of OGC specifications (e.g. page 9 "encouraged"). Distinguish between applicable and reference documents. Implementation feedback (clients, servers, tests). Add additional requirements (e.g. from original Developer's Guide) Comments & Commitments (see Sec of WGISS-40 MoM) Avoid to continuously update the document, it is required an ending point to be reached as soon as possible, because it would delay software implementation: Updated Best Practice will be interoperable and backward-compatible with the previous release CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice will not be a living document (e.g., implementation/technology dependent) It was agreed to formally close the CEOS action for the OpenSearch Best Practice: Versions of the BP document can be produced, but should be limited The Developer’s Guide and the BP documents are clearly two documents Some BPs in the Dev Guide should be moved to the BP document WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

10 Developer Guide and Best Practice
In agreement with the WGISS-40 recommendation and conclusions, the documents have been kept separated. Best Practice to collect and describe requirements about OpenSearch interface, trying to be as much implementation/technology independent as possible. This significantly reduces the needs to maintain and update the document. Developer Guide to provide implementation guideline, permitting an OpenSearch search engine to be aligned with Best Practice requirements. The document might need a more frequent maintenance due to evolution of technologies WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

11 Best Practice new requirements
Subset of Developer Guide requirements taken into account in the Best Practice, either fully or partially CEOS-DG-005 CEOS-DG-006 CEOS-DG-007 CEOS-DG-014 CEOS-DG-015 CEOS-DG-018 CEOS-DG-020 CEOS-DG-021 CEOS-DG-022 WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

12 Open Issues and comments
Open issues, listed in the BP, needs to be further discussed and agreed in order to be properly addressed 17 comments collected from CEOS OpenSearch working group team 12 out of 17 agreed, and the BP updated accordingly 2 comments (NASA 2/12) out of the scope of the project, they propose revision of OpenSearch (OASIS), OGC and Parameter extensions specification 4 comments (NASA-1/3/4/5) to be agreed and addressed in the developers guide WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

13 Open Search Working Group Review
Best Practice Roadmap Final Draft Final WGISS-40 First Draft Second Draft Third Draft Ver 1.0.1 Jun 2015 Ver 1.1D1 13th Jan 2016 Ver 1.1D2 26th Feb 2016 Ver 1.1D3 WGISS-41 Ver 1.1 Q2 2016 Internal Review Open Search Working Group Review WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

14 Best Practice Finalization
Agenda Overview Best Practice Finalization Project Conclusion WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

15 Next steps OpenSearch team telco will be organized by mid April
CEOS Open Search Best Practice WGISS#41: confirm common vision about Best Practice’s and Developer Guide’s role and decision to keep them separated. Merging into a single document would have a major impact on the proposed roadmap (in addition to frequent reissuing) Version 1.1D3 released at WGISS-41, available for final review cycle: CEOS Open Search Best Practice 1.1D3 Spreadsheet for feedback/comments collection Listed open issues need to be properly addressed, and corrective action agreed CEOS Open Search Developer Guide Version 1.4 released (here) CEOS Open Search Developer Guide will be updated in accordance with common vision about BP OpenSearch team telco will be organized by mid April to finalize BP and start work on Developer Guide WGISS#41 | OpenSearch | 17th March 2016

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