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Procurement Forum April 17, 2012.

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1 Procurement Forum April 17, 2012

2 Objectives Provide a forum for learning and knowledge sharing
Increase interaction between OSP & the agencies Improve AASIS usage Reduce work steps/effort Reduce paper Improve compliance How are we doing meeting our objectives that were established in January? OSP appreciates your feedback.

3 Follow up items from last month
AASIS Task List OSP Task List

4 AASIS Task List Decimal places where they can enter more than two (2)
Wants the DBA vendor name to appear on the warrant Need to be able to query on the DBA name when searching for a vendor Rehab is interested in having their stock inventory in AASIS Decimal places – AASIS staff is researching how to accomplish this. DBA vendor name on warrants - The DBA vendor name will begin appearing on the warrant before fiscal year end. AASIS has been in touch with Rehab about beginning discussions of establishing stock inventory in AASIS. Samantha Feinglass & Kathy Fink are going over searching for materials & vendors in AASIS later in this presentation.

5 OSP Task List Put process flowcharts on OSP website for PCS.
Research to see if any other agencies have a requirement to have a financial surety bond for their director? AEDC enabling legislation requires this. Is this covered under the State’s blanket surety? Agencies want OSP to develop a website where vendors could disclose on-line PCS Process Flow Charts – now on the OSP Website under “PCS” Other agencies who are required to have surety bonds for their directors. See next slide. Not an inclusive list. On-line disclosure – OSP & OA are working on possible rewrite of the disclosure requirements. This suggestion will be given to the committee and taken under advisement.

6 ED of the State Plant Board. Ark. Code Ann. § 2-16-208.
ABA director must furnish a bond for $25,000. Ark. Code Ann. § Executive Director of the Natural Resources Commission.  Ark. Code Ann. § ED of the Livestock and Poultry Commission, and any commission employees he may require. Ark. Code Ann. §§ , 106. ED of the State Plant Board. Ark. Code Ann. §   Any state employee who acts as a disbursing agent for his agency.   Ark. Code Ann. § Director of the Department of Career Education, or a disbursing agent designated by him and approved by the State Board of Career Education.  Ark. Code Ann. §  Any officers, agents and employees of the Income Tax Section as the DF&A director may require.  Ark. Code Ann. § The Director of Accounting said that the code that requires an individual agency’s bond is suspended as long as the state’s self-insurance fidelity bond program is in effect. 

7 PCS Flowcharts

8 OSP Org Chart There was a request earlier that OSP post a current Organizational Chart so agency personnel would know who to call. Now located on the OSP Website > Purchasing Directory > OSP Organizational Chart

9 OSP List cont. Master data agency authorized contact person needs to be updated. Can OSP send out a form to all agencies to update records This will probably not occur until after Transparency is implemented.

10 The Easy Screen Training
Will be a webinar Approximately 3 hours in length Can begin using as soon as you are trained; do not have to wait until 7/1/12 Easy Screen -Testing is completed -Preparing for loading into production -Scheduled start date is 4/30 for go-live -Testing agencies will go-live first -Training starts -Full roll out by 7/1/12 NOTE: Training is still being scheduled, so watch eNews for postings of the dates and times. Thank you for your patience. 

11 Transparency Contracts for Leases
Lease Contracts – we are recommending that you do not enter these until you receive full step by step instructions that are being developed and the ABA Property lease code is in production. -ABA Property Leases There is a new procurement code (PL) but it is not yet in production (est. 5/14/12) Each Agency should create their own Outline Agreement for the term of the lease Attach a copy of the “Lease Abstract Profile” to the OA Create PO’s for each fiscal year, adopted from the OA Enter invoices, referencing the PO to tie all expenditures to the contract -Equipment Leases Attach a copy of the lease documentation, if existing, to the OA NOTE: On the Req, PO & OA, the State Contract Number MUST be entered into the “Tracking Number” Field

12 Purchase Requisition

13 Purchase Order

14 Outline Agreement

15 Statewide Office Supply Contract
Renee Gates Judy Shirley Podcast listed on the OSP Website > Buy Wise Podcasts

16 AASIS Info

17 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Objective: Employ best practices to reduce search time to find the correct values for both vendor and material master records.

18 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Vendor Account Groups: Determines the number interval for the account number, whether the number is assigned by the user or by AASIS, and which information is required in the vendor master record. Examples: AGCY (Agency) VEND (Trade Vendor) NTFP (Not for Profit) This example shows how to search for a vendor master record while creating a purchase order.

19 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Searching for a vendor while creating a purchase order Enter ME21N in the Command field to create a purchase order. This example shows how to search for a vendor master record while creating a purchase order.

20 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Create Purchase Order screen Click Vendor field to activate match code search. When you click the Vendor field, the match code icon appears at the right end of the field. Click it to activate the search.

21 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Default: Vendors (General) tab Click – Unread Documents Click List of tabs to view search screen options. This is the default screen – not always the best option. The default search screen, usually Vendors (General) appears. It’s a good search screen if you want to look up a specific vendor name (Name 1) field. But there are other options that can be used if you’re searching for other values.

22 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
List of Vendor Search tabs: Different tabs display different search fields. By working with the information you have, you can locate the correct vendor more quickly. Which bits of information do you have about the customer? The Tax ID number? The location? The DBA? Selecting the search that corresponds to the information you have makes the search more efficient.

23 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Vendor by Tax Information tab Use this tab if you know the Tax ID number. Use the Vendors by Tax Information tab if you have the Tax ID number.

24 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Vendor by Country/Company Code tab Use this tab if it’s a foreign vendor. SP Use the Country field to either exclude the U.S. or specify the country in which the vendor is located (if it is known). Enter FRGN in the Search term field.

25 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Vendor by Additional Criteria tab Use this tab if you know any of the following information: Minority Previous account no. DBA Use the Country field to either exclude the U.S. or specify the country in which the vendor is located (if it is known). Enter FRGN in the Search term field.

26 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Tips for Record Search Use the wild card (*) in the search. Example: Type *BUGS* in the Name 3 field. AASIS translates this as “BUGS” is somewhere in the DBA (Doing business as). Use multiple fields in the search. Example: Type *BUGS* in the Name 3 field. Type *HOT SPRINGS* in the City field. AASIS translates this as a DBA with “BUGS” in the name located in Hot Springs. This narrows the search results and reduces search time. If you enter the search expression BUGS*, AASIS will look for a DBA that starts with “BUGS”. If you enter the search expression *BUGS, AASIS will look for a DBA that ends with “BUGS”. By entering asterisks before and after the search expression, you will see all values containing “BUGS”. You can use wild cards in multiple search fields, i.e. *BUGS* in the Name 3 field and *SPRINGS* in the City field.

27 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Tips for Record Search (cont’d) Use the Search term field. Example: Use the value FRGN to search for foreign vendors or the value NTFP to search for not-for-profit vendors. Remove (or add) the Purch.Organization value. If you cannot find a value while using the purchasing organization, remove it. The reverse can also be done if there are too many results.

28 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Tips for Record Search (cont’d) Use upper case letters. This is the standard going forward. The reason records are entered in upper case letters is because some of the searches in AASIS are case sensitive and some are not. AASIS has to translate between the two, and this extends search time. By using all capital letters, wait time for results is reduced.

29 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Manipulate Search Results - Sorting Click a column header to sort values in ascending or descending order.

30 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Manipulate Search Results - Find Click Find to locate a specific value.

31 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Manipulate Search Results - Find (cont’d) Enter the value you want to locate. Click Find again. As in the rest of AASIS, use capital letters when searching. You can also use wildcards (*JOAN*).

32 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Manipulate Search Results (cont’d) Click Find (with the +) to locate the next value in the list.

33 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Find Vendor by Class Use this option to find a vendor known for providing a specified material.

34 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Find Objects in Classes screen Type VENDOR in the Class field. Click Enter.

35 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Find Objects in Classes screen (cont’d) Place cursor in the Material Group field.

36 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Find Objects in Classes screen (cont’d) Click matchcode.

37 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Material Group dialog box Use the scroll to view the material groups. Click the checkbox to select the desired group(s).

38 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Material Group dialog box Click Continue.

39 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Find Objects in Classes screen Click Find in initial class.

40 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Find Objects in Classes screen Vendors matching the selected material groups are displayed.

41 Viewing and Responding to Workflow Notes
Find Objects in Classes screen Click the selection box for the desired vendor. Click Copy.

42 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Summary Use the right search for the information you know. Use upper case letters in each field. Use the wild card if you are uncertain of the exact value for which you are searching. Use the Sort functionality in the search results to sort in ascending or descending order. Example: Don’t use the Vendors (General) search tab if you have a foreign vendor; use the Vendor by Country/Company Code tab. Example: You know the Name 3 (DBA) has “SMITH” somewhere in the name. Use *SMITH* to display all names that include “SMITH”.

43 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Summary Use multiple search fields. Use the Search term (same as account group) to narrow the search results. Use the Purchasing organization to search for results; if the business area does not work, use If 9999 does not work, remove it entirely. Example: You know part of the individual’s name is “SMITH” and you know it’s somewhere in Little Rock or North Little Rock and you know he is a trade vendor, enter the values as follows: Select the Address Attributes tab. Enter *SMITH* in the Name field. Enter VEND in the Search term 1 field. Enter *LITTLE* in the City field. Example: If the business area 0810 results in no values, use If 9999 does not work, remove the value in the Purch.Organization field.

44 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records

45 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Create Purchase Order screen Click Material to activate match code search.

46 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
A Material Master Record Contains all the information to identify and describe a material or service in one central location—so everyone will use the same information. The information is organized into categories, each category is called a view Access to a view may be restricted by role Like materials are grouped together in a Material Group Used in purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and outline agreements

47 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Purchase Order Material Number search screen Searching for a Material has two search options.

48 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search I need to find a ‘lawn mower’. I don’t know if there is a space between lawn and mower so I will search using only the word ‘mower’. Use an * in front and in back of the word ‘mower’ to help search. Limit even further by entering Plant 9999. I could search using lawn just as well as using mower. Also, when searching using text use the Material description field and NOT Material field. Use the Material field when searching by a numeric value.

49 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search I could search using lawn just as well as using mower. Also, when searching using text use the Material description field and NOT Material field. Use the Material field when searching by a numeric value. If you know part of the material number, you can search by entering what you know and using *. Do not use the Material Description field if you are using the Material field and vice versa.

50 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search results Our results list 25 materials with the word ‘mower’ somewhere in the description for only Plant 9999.

51 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search Change the use of the * and it will change the results. Use an * in back of the word ‘mower’ to search. Limit by Plant 9999.

52 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search results The results are significantly fewer because all the materials with text before the word ‘mower’ have been eliminated.

53 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search With an * in front of the word ‘mower’ the search will produce fewer results. Limit by Plant 9999.

54 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Plant Material by Description search The position and number of * will determine the results.

55 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Number/Material Description search This search allows us to narrow the criteria in a different way. There is no Plant but we can limit by Material Group and/or Material Type.

56 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group Material Group is nothing more than like materials ‘grouped’ together and given a name.

57 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group Click the Material Group Desc. column header to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

58 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group Locate the group by using the scroll bar or use the Find tool Since I am searching for a lawn mower, I think Lawn Maint EQ is probably my group.

59 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group Narrow the search by using the Material Type. Only two choices are available so select GDSV (Goods and Services).

60 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group Add *mower* for the Material Description.

61 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Group After all that work, the results are 23 materials. Only slightly different than searching by Plant Material by Description.

62 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Material Number/Material Description search Material Group is a grouping of like materials (e.g. office supplies, janitorial supplies, clothing) Material Type defines certain attributes of the material (e.g. raw materials, operating supplies)

63 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records
Summary Use the Material Description field when searching by text. Use the Material field when searching by material number. Use the wild card if you are uncertain of the exact value for which you are searching. Sort a column or use the Find tool to locate an item in a results list.

64 Researching Vendor and Material Master Records

65 Can we show a telephone extension in the vendor file?
Yes, there is a field currently in AASIS where we can capture that data in XK03 transaction. OSP needs to add a field for the extension on the E-form that agencies use and also on the website vendor registration portal. Before these changes are made, if a vendor has an extension, add it to the end of the phone number on the E-form in the following format: x 123.

66 Vendors marked for deletion
Vendors who have had NO activity for 18 months will be marked for deletion To reactivate a vendor, OSP at stating the vendor number

67 Internal Procedures for Vendors
Currently cleansing the entire vendor database for Transparency Standardization is key After 7/1/12 there will be additional cleanup, more cosmetic in nature

68 New Vendor Categories AGCY – Agencies (replaces AGEN)
BOAR – Board & Commission Members EMPL – Employee Vendors FRGN – Foreign vendors (Outside US) GOVT – Governments (other states) LGVT – Local Governments (County, City) NTFP – Not for profit vendors OGVT – AR local gov’t, other than city/county PSCH – Publicly funded schools VEND – Trade vendors When will new vendor numbers be ready to use? They will be ready shortly, watch for eNews notifications when available in production. There will be cross walks from the previous account to the new vendor number.

69 Problems searching vendors by their DBA name
Use the Advanced Search feature FYI – in XK03 the vendor name field has 35 characters. This is standard SAP field length. On the Transparency Portal you will see the Vendor Name expand to 40 characters. This is only place where the data in line 1 and line 2 of the vendor record combine. See previous slides about searching in AASIS.

70 Generic Material Numbers
Clean up will be after 7/1/12, Transparency implementation Learning to search will help you We’re reviewing how we use material numbers for reporting

71 AASIS Class Schedule OSP has a link to AASIS so you can view the training schedule, sign up for classes, and lots of other great information! There is also the PO Class is now on-line you can take at your convenience. Basic Navigation is on-line and required before you take other AASIS classes. It never hurts to brush up and learn something new!

72 Next Meeting Tuesday, May 15th 10 – 11:30 ASP Small Commission Room
Use Administrative Svcs. Entrance

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