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Discuss the 19th amendment.

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1 Discuss the 19th amendment.
18.4 Objectives: Explain the achievements of the Wilson Administration in the areas of tariffs, banking reforms, and business regulation. Discuss the 19th amendment.

2 Bellringer List the Progressive Amendments.

3 Compare/Share HW 1. What contributions did the Taft administration make to reform? 2. What did T. Roosevelt accomplish through his Square Deal? 3. How did the Galveston Hurricane help to produce a new political structure for the cities? 4. What were the conditions like in the Middle Passage?

4 Intro Who is the current Speaker of the House?
Discuss women’s roles in the government.

5 BODY-NOTES Wilson’s New Freedom 1. Reform on Many Fronts
a. Underwood Tariff Act (1913) 1.) lowest tariff in 50 years 2.) graduated income tax to make up difference in gov’s income

6 Banking- Federal Reserve Act (1913)
1.) 3 level system a.) Federal Reserve Board b.) 12 Federal Reserve Banks (serve banks NOT individuals) c.) Private Banks = could borrow $ from Federal Reserve Banks 2.) Designed to make $ supply/economy more secure


8 Wilson and Big Business
a. Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) 1.) expanded Sherman Antitrust Act 2.) defined what corporations could NOT do (ex; they could not consistently sell BELOW cost)

9 Federal Trade Commisson (1914)
1.) investigate corporations 2.) take corporations to court

10 Wilson and The Workers a. Federal Farm Loan Act – low interest loans b. Adamson Act – 8 hour workday for RR workers c. Federal Workman’s Compensation Act – only applied to Federal employees hurt on the job

11 Keating-Owen Child Labor Act (1916)
1.) outlawed interstate sale of products produced by child labor 2.) ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL


13 19th Amendment (1920) Women’s suffrage Leaders
1.) Elizabeth Cady Stanton 2.) Susan B. Anthony 3.) Alice Paul 4.) Carrie Chapman Catt


15 Closure Go over the Progressive Amendments (16, 17, 18, 19, 20) –

16 HOMEWORK If you did not create a blank grid for the DBQ you need to do so tonight (be SURE to follow the DBQ instructions – read and highlight the Historical Context and the Task. This essay will be your test on Chapters 17 and 18.

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