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Presentation on theme: "CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION"— Presentation transcript:

What happened at Mrs Brown’s office?

2 It is 9 a. m. You enter your boss’s, Anna Brown’s office
It is 9 a.m. You enter your boss’s, Anna Brown’s office. You see her bloody on the floor. She is dead!

3 You look around the office, terrified.
Suddenly, you notice a cigarette butt on the floor! What is your conclusion?

4 You look around the office
You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a smashed mobile on the desk. What’s your conclusion?

5 You look around the office
You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a torn photograph under the desk. What’s your conclusion?

6 You look around the office
You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a plane ticket with today’s date. What’s your conclusion?

7 You look around the office
You look around the office. Suddenly, you see an empty wallet under the window. What’s your conclusion?

8 You look around the office
You look around the office. Suddenly, you see an empty bottle of wine in the trash bin. What’s your conclusion?

9 Do you now know who killed Anna Brown?


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