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Little Books… BIG MESSAGE

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Presentation on theme: "Little Books… BIG MESSAGE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Little Books… BIG MESSAGE
Session Three: The Second Letter of John

2 Last Week Introduction to Paul and His Letters
7 Undisputed Letters Form of a Letter Salutation Thanksgiving Body Paranesis / Exhortation Conclusion Read & Discussed Philemon

3 Comments, Questions or Smart Remarks?

4 This Week The World of Late First Century Christianity
The Religious World of the Roman Empire Christian Communities The Battles of the Late First and Second Century Church Gnosticism Docetism Marcionism Read 2 John Questions & Comments Why 2 John Matters

5 The World of Late First Century Christianity


7 The Roman Empire A major system of paved (and relatively safe) roads to even the most far-flung regions of the empire Christianity spreads through travelers, merchants, and slaves…not just apostles Hellenistic culture sought throughout, but not so much as to cause significant trouble in individual regions Schools, theater, festivals, etc.

8 The Roman Empire Unity sought through RELIGION
Syncretism Emperor Worship These policies made Christians (and Jews) unique and troublesome Exclusionary monotheists

9 Christianity in Late First Century
Leadership Twelve disciples as teachers Seven appointed men as administrators House Churches Benefactors Elders / Presbyters Schools Clearly, Paul and John had followers who created “schools” that perpetuated their theology and thought

10 The Battles of the Late First Century and Second Century Church

11 Gnosticism MAJOR threat to Christianity in the first two centuries
Not a well-defined group, but a pervasive set of beliefs that found a home within Christianity and other religions

12 Gnosticism Comes from Greek word gnosis, “knowledge”
Refers to a secret or mystical knowledge that was reserved for those with true knowledge, which was the key to salvation Salvation is key concern

13 Gnosticism Christian-Gnostic Thought All matter is evil
World is an “abortion” of a demi-god or “eon,” not a creation of the Supreme Being Divine “sparks” need to be liberated through special knowledge mediated by the spiritual messenger (Jesus)

14 Gnosticism Christian-Gnostic Thought
Since our bodies are prisons of the divine spark, how shall we live? Two divergent answers: Extreme asceticism Extreme hedonism

15 Gnosticism Christian-Gnostic Thought
Since our bodies are prisons of the divine spark, how shall we live? Two divergent answers: Extreme asceticism Extreme hedonism

16 Docetism Most Gnostics were docetists From Greek dokeo, “to seem”
Since all matter is evil, Christ must not have had a body like ours Gives birth to a strange kind of HIGH CHRISTOLOGY

17 Marcionism Marcion Bishop of Sinope in late first century
Moved to Rome in 144 and gathered a following The premiere example of a Christian gnostic Excerpt…

18 Read 2 John

19 Take Notes! Questions? Words / Phrases Things you like / don’t like
Reading Philemon Take Notes! Questions? Words / Phrases Things you like / don’t like

20 Comments, Questions or Smart Remarks?

21 Commentary

22 2 John Date Assumed to be late first century or early second Authorship The “elder” is assumed to be of the same “school” of the writer of the Fourth Gospel, perhaps even the same author

23 2 John This is the second shortest book of the Bible (245 words in Greek) Form critically it is a Letter of Petition Opening Body Background Request Benefits and Cautions Closing

24 2 John Commentary Verse 1: “Elect / Chosen lady”
Typifies the congregation in anthropomorphic terms similar to Jerusalem in the OT Three themes brought up right away: Love (agape) Truth (aletheia) Abide (meno)

25 2 John Commentary Note the family language throughout:
God the Father Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son To the Children of the Elect Lady The elder goes out of the way to stress this aspect of church

26 2 John Commentary “Walking in the truth” “Love one another”
Only some of the children? “Love one another” Connecting with tradition and truth of the founding congregation

27 2 John Commentary Verse 7 and following begin to throw light on the issue that prompted the letter Who are the “deceivers?” What have they done wrong? Gone out Do not confess Jesus in the FLESH

28 2 John Commentary Verse 8 introduces the term “antichrist”
This word is only found in the Johannine epistles 1 John 2:18, 22 1 John 4:3 2 John 1:7 Notably, NOT in Revelation In 1 John, we find out that SEVERAL antichrists have come

29 2 John Commentary Verse 9 “Abide in the teaching of Christ”
SUBJECTIVE GENITIVE: “Christ’s teaching” OBJECTIVE GENITIVE: “Teaching about Christ”

30 2 John Commentary Verses 10-11
A serious admonition to refuse hospitality to those who do not believe the “truth” Perhaps this would limit the spread of aberrant teaching What do you think about this?

31 2 John Commentary Verse 12 My favorite of this letter
Places real value on face-to-face communication Think about this next time you send a text or an !

32 Why Do YOU Think the Second Letter of John Matters?

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