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6D Supergravity and the Cosmological Constant
A 6D Search for Self-Tuning C.P. Burgess with Y. Aghababaie, S. Parameswaran and F. Quevedo hep-th/
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
The Cosmological Constant
Universal energy density appears to be presently dominated by matter with p/r < -0.7 Why Now? Naturally understand why now if: CC is parameterically r ~ (Mw2/Mp )4 Dark Matter has weak-interaction cross sections. (eg WIMPS) Arkani-Hamed, Hall, Kolda & Murayama 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
The Naturalness Problem
‘Relevant’ effective interactions are dominantly sensitive to the highest-energy scales whose integration can produce them. Cosmological Constant: M = 10-3 eV The CC Problem Newton’s Constant: M = 1018 GeV A success! Higgs Mass: M = 102 GeV The Heirarchy Problem (in 4 dimensions) 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Two Parts to the Problem
Q1: At high energies, M: Why is the relevant parameter small in the underlying microscopic theory at scale M? Q2: At low energies, m: Why does the parameter stay small as scales between M and m are integrated out? In 4D supersymmetry or scale invariance can help, but only down to the scale at which they break. Why is r1/4 ~ 10-3 eV if Dm > 100 GeV? 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Self-Tuning and the No-Go Theorem
Self-Tuning models try to arrange that the field equations for other fields, f, ensure that flat solutions exist to Einstein’s equations. A generic problem (in 4D): Either this equation fails or solutions to the f equation do not exist: L = c (det g)1/2 exp[4 F(f)] Weinberg 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Self-Tuning: One mo’ time…..
The effective theory above 10-3 eV need not be 4 dimensional: In ADD† 6D model, 2 internal dimensions can be quite large: Radius a can be as large 0.1 mm if 6D gravity scale near TeV scale: Mp ~ a Mw2 Tests of gravity require a no larger than ~ 0.1 mm.* Corresponding KK energy is of order the cc: /a ~ Mw2/Mp ~ 10-3 eV Try self-tuning in 6D Sugra †Arkani-Hamad, Dvali & Dimopoulos * Cullen & Perelstein; Hanhart, Philips, Reddy & Savage; Atwood et al * Astrophysical bounds can be stronger. 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
N=2 6D Chiral Supergravity
Nishino & Sezgin Salam & Sezgin Randjbar-Daemi, Salam, Sezgin & Strathdee 6D Gravity + Tensor + Gauge + Hyper-multiplets. Anomaly cancellation: G = E6 × E7 × U1 Q = Sp(456,1)/[Sp(456) × Sp(1)] ‘Gauged’ supergravity gives dilaton potential. v(0) = 2 g12 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Compactification Admits solution with constant dilaton:
Metric: Minkowski4 x S2, Unit magnetic flux: Fmn = f emn 4D N=1 Supersymmetry if flux is in U1 gauge group factor 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Supersymmetry Breaking
Supersymmetry is broken on brane at the brane scale. Dmb ~ Mw Bulk contains gravity plus superpartners, all of whom couple to branes with gravitational strength. Supersymmetry breaking filters into the bulk, with 4D bulk multiplets split by DmB ~ Mw2/Mp ~ 1/a ~ 10-3 eV 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Potential Contributions to the CC
Step 0: No bare 6D cc allowed by supersymmetry. Step 1: Brane Modes Integrate out brane modes exactly, generating T ~ Mw4 Step 2: Bulk Modes (Classical) Classically integrate out all massive KK modes. Corresponds to eliminating KK modes from the action using their classical field equations – Self – tuning solution can cancel the contribution of Step 1. Step 3: Bulk Modes (Quantum) Integrate out the quantum fluctuations of the bulk fields. UV sensitive contributions are crucial! 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Self-Tuning I: The metric
Brane tensions cancel the bulk curvature once classical integration over the metric KK modes is performed. Chen, Luty & Ponton 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Self-Tuning II: The dilaton
‡Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Kaloper & Sundrum; Kachru, Schulz and Silverstein Bulk contributions also cancel up to a total derivative once the classical integration over the dilaton KK modes is performed. Result vanishes if dilaton is nonsingular everywhere and l = 0. Does this share the singularities of 5D self-tuning models?‡ 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Do Solutions Exist? * Deser; Carroll & Guica; Navarro Solutions to 6D equations with branes exist for which reff is zero. Eg: solutions with two identical flat branes and constant dilaton. Back-reaction removes wedge of angular width proportional to T.* BUT: Requires magnetic flux not in U1, and couplings tuned to: g1/g = 1 – e. 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Bulk Quantum Corrections
Low-energy contributions just right: (Dm)4 What of ultraviolet-dangerous contributions? eg: (Dm)2 Mp2 ~ Mw4 or (Dm)2 Mw2 ~ Mw2/a2 These arise from modes with E » 1/a, and so integrating them out gives local 6D interactions. eg: (det g)1/2 Mw4 R ~ Mw (det g)1/2 Mw2 R2 ~ Mw2/a2 Mw4 R term renormalizes 6D Newton Constant. In absence of branes, nonrenormalization theorems preclude higher-curvature terms giving corrections to reff for a supersymmetric compactification. What happens with branes? 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
A Toy Model Sc – S0 = (divergent brane term) because Sc – S0 = 0 if J = 0. 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Outline The Cosmological Constant Problem 6D Brane Worlds
Naturalness Issues Self-tuning Proposals 6D Brane Worlds Large Extra Dimensions in Salam-Sezgin Supergravity The 4D Vacuum Energy Brane-Bulk Classical Self-Tuning UV Sensitive Bulk Quantum Effects Outlook 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Cosmic Six-Dimensional Virtues
6D supergravity with large extra dimensions helps with parts of the cc problem. Supersymmetry forbids a bare 6D cc. Particle superpartners are not observed because supersymmetry is badly broken on the branes, BUT integrating out brane particles only results in a large brane tension, localized in 6D. Classically, brane tensions can cancel the bulk fields they produce in the extra dimensions. Untuned & singularity free? The bulk SUSY-breaking scale is the right size for the 4D cc. Can supersymmetry adequately protect the UV part of the integration over bulk modes? 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Observational Implications
If so, relating the cosmological constant scale to the heirarchy problem using large extra dimensions would imply many observational consequences: Having extra dimensional radii at the cc scale implies deviations from Newton’s Law at submillimetre scales. Bulk gravitational modes, and their superpartners, interact at LHC energies with weak-interaction cross sections. Astrophysical and cosmological bounds which can already constrain large extra dimensions must be evaded, possibly with interesting and observable consequences. 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
Many Open Issues Do 6D self-tuned solutions exist which are everywhere nonsingular and for which no couplings are tuned? Rugby ball requires special choice: g1/g = 1 – e. Can the UV bulk quantum corrections be small enough? Explicit calculations are possible with the rugby ball. How are the extra dimensions stabilized? Both electroweak and cc hierarchies rely on a » ls Is the Dark Energy presently evolving? Is contact with string theory possible? Is Salam-Sezgin supergravity a low-energy string limit? Other dimensions and connections to stringy scale invariance? 08/04/2019 SUSY in the Desert
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