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4. Principles of Psychology Teaching

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1 4. Principles of Psychology Teaching
Principles of teaching are guiding ideas in the organization of training lessons, scientific recommendations, rules governing the learning process. The principles depend on the learning objectives and the didactic concept. In modern didactics there are classical principles, as well as the principles developed in the last decades (Golub, 1999; Khutorskaya, 2001; Pedagogy, 2002). They must be used when choosing methods of teaching psychology.

2 The principles of teaching psychology are based on the general didactic principles of education. However, their use in the teaching of psychology has its own specifics. What is it manifested in? What specific principles are important for the study of psychological disciplines?

3 1. The principle of scientific character requires that the study material correspond to the modern achievements of scientific and practical psychology, and does not contradict objective scientific facts, theories, and laws. This principle is of particular importance for the study of psychology due to the fact that today there is a large number of near-scientific psychological books written on the basis of knowledge of everyday psychology or esoteric knowledge. The use of the principle of scientific knowledge in the teaching of psychology means that the information which the students get must be evidential. This can be achieved by describing the appropriate methods of psychological research.

4 2. The principle of systemic nature supposes that the learning material is studied in a specific sequence and logic that gives a systemic representation of the discipline. At the same time, the interrelation of different psychological theories, concepts and regularities with each other is shown. For this, the topics of the curriculum should be structured and systematized. The learning material is divided into logical sections and topics, afterwards the order and methodology of working with them are established. In each theme there must be the content centers, the main concepts, ideas, the material of the formulation is structured, and the connections between theories and facts. From one topic to another, from one course to another, there must be a certain continuity and interdisciplinary connection.

5 3. The principle of unity of rational and emotional
3. The principle of unity of rational and emotional. According to this principle, teaching can be effective only if students understand the goals of teaching, the need to study this subject, its personal and professional importance, and display a conscious interest in knowledge. At the same time, the immediate emotional interest in psychological facts and phenomena is the strongest stimulus to the study of psychology. In accordance to this principle, it is not right to build the teaching based only on persuading students that it is necessary and useful for then, thereby justifying boring activities. On the other hand, it is wrong to choose from the psychology course only interesting topics that attract involuntary attention.

6 4. The principle of unity of subject-oriented and personality-oriented psychology teaching. Psychology as a subject of study is more specific, than all other disciplines. On the one hand this is a science that has its objective content, as well as the other natural and human sciences. Therefore, it must be studied objectively and impartially. On the other hand, the subject of this science is personally significant for every student. Therefore, they have a need to classify the knowledge they receive into themselves, to apply them for the purpose of self-knowledge.

7 In this regard, psychology attracts much attention and interest of students wishing to understand it with their help. Observance of the principle of unity in this respect means preserving the necessary balance of pre-conceived and personal-oriented content in occupations in psychology. This principle must be observed when teaching psychology as a general educational subject.

8 5. The principle of unity of theoretical and empirical knowledge
5. The principle of unity of theoretical and empirical knowledge. In accordance with this principle, psychology teaching should combine on the one hand, the description of theoretical ideas, their logical justifications and, on the other hand, specific empirical facts on which they rely, specific examples that illustrate them. Unfortunately, sometimes in the textbooks of psychology and in lectures excessive theoretical arguments are used, not supported by concrete facts and examples. The other extreme can be the teacher's excessive enthusiasm for describing interesting psychological studies, experiments, examples from the field of practical psychology without considering the psychological theory that lies in their basis.

9 6. The principle of accessibility is in the necessity to correlate the content and methods of instruction with the type of students, their educational intentions, age characteristics, the level of their development. In accordance with this principle, it is necessary to move from the simple to the complex, from the easy to the difficult, from the known to the unknown. One and the same content should be taught in different ways, based on a different base of knowledge and interests: a) psychology students; b) students studying in other programs of higher education; c) students of colleges; d) pupils of general educational schools.

10 7. The principle of visibility is the use of sensory organs and images in learning. Visual images are of he most importance. First, the visual analyzer for a large part of students is leading. And secondly, the visual representation of information is more capacious and therefore contributes to a better understanding of the material. Undoubtedly, the use of images of other modalities (auditory, tactile, kinesthetic) can also improve learning efficiency. The unity of visual (figurative) and verbal content is the most important psychological basis of understanding. In the teaching of psychology, such types of visibility can be used: 1) verbal, 2) artistic, 3) graphic, 4) practical.

11 8. The principle of activity in learning consists that effective knowledge acquisition by students occurs only when they show independent activity in learning. Activity in this case is opposed to passivity. Implementation of this principle can be achieved by: 1) developing the needs of students in psychological knowledge; 2) the dialogical form of teaching; 3) the problem approach in teaching; 4) wide use of practical teaching methods (in the form of training experiments, tests, psychological training).

12 9. The principle of connection psychology study with life, with practice. This principle is especially important in the school psychology teaching. It means that psychological concepts and patterns should be explained and illustrated not only using the facts of scientific research, but also by examples from real life that students encounter. It is important for pupils to see the practical applicability and benefit of psychological knowledge in everyday life. The study of psychology should stimulate pupils to use this knowledge in solving practical problems of cognition of other people, self-knowledge and self-development.

13 10. Psychology teaching should be developmental
10. Psychology teaching should be developmental. This principle is again especially important in the school psychology teaching. The lessons of psychology fulfill a special mission here. As a result of studying the course of psychology, the main value is not the knowledge of psychological theories, concepts, laws, but a better understanding by pupils of the inner world of other people and themselves: the assimilation of psychological means of self-knowledge and self-development, the improvement of one's cognitive activity, successful and harmonious development of relations with other people, as well as better understanding of oneself as an individual.

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