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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Presentation

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1 Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Presentation
Dr. Bridget A Johnsen 31 July 2013 Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Presentation CALL FOR COMMENT “THE EFFICACY OF THE EIA REGIME IN SA”

2 Where is the Paardeberg?

3 Twinstreams Blue People Advocacy Group TBPAG
Constituted to address environmental and social threats of mining in South Africa, especially on the coastline Fairbreeze, Mtunzini 24km along both sides of N2 to be impacted! Water supply?? Municipal Approval?? Hillendale, KZN 2km east of N2 impacted! Rehabilitated??


5 Fire Protection Association
Western Cape Fire Protection Association

6 Sustainability Environment Sociopolitical Economy Governance

7 Floral Kingdoms of the World


9 RECOMMENDATIONS A. Rand Value Approach
To ensure that applications are bona fide proposals, well-conceived and carefully interrogated financially before costs to the authorities and public are implicated. Describe cost of the development with application, including job creation physical costs contribution to the economy Establish context of ecosystem services value Categorise the application to respond to the “one size fits all” criticism of the current EIA process. Include more options Norms and Standards Environmental Emergencies Research and Development

10 RECOMMENDATIONS (Cont) A. Rand Value Approach (cont)
Applicant pays deposit based on the cost estimate payable by the applicant or his agency to a government trust account, ring-fenced for each project, to fund EIA and public inputs Competent authority allocates suitable EAP and specialist consultants improve independence of the EAP enhance professionalism appropriate match Public appoint representative EAP&legal advisors Remaining funds for unforeseen consequences

11 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont) B. Government to take responsibility
Legislate that departments MUST apply their minds and make decisions Establish regular sittings of departmental committees Scale of legislation must be adapted Speed up responsive legislation

AEROPLANES RESOLVE ABSENT LEGISLATION for receiving environment Noise Visual Nuisance Land Value Other impacts

13 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont) C. Improve Public Participation
Establish Sustainable Resource Committees Appoint SRC personnel to oversee practical, sustainable use of natural resources in the rural districts. Provide one Extension Officer per 30 landusers Prescribe reporting and escalation protocols to equivalent structures at District, Provincial and National level. Legislate/Delegate lead Departments to urgently implement degradation prevention

14 RECOMMENDATIONS (cont) C. Improve Public Participation (Cont)
Sustainable Resource Committees should become the single appropriate forum for interaction between Applicants, I&AP’s, Authorities, Specialists and EAPs. A similar structure to the SRC should be developed for urban / non-rural settings. Empower SRC’s to address fine scale deficiencies of the current EIA process simplify complex aspects of need&desirability address cumulative impacts authorise urgent permissable, prescribed interventions Solicit comment from poor and marginalised Use SRC’s as an initial screen and escalating agency if NEMA adopts a coarser scale

15 Thank you

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