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Planning longer answers:

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1 Planning longer answers:
Great for long answer questions such as “explain” or “discuss” First work out what you are being asked, which topics to cover and which keywords you will need. Types of Question Define: give the definition List: List the points – don’t describe or explain them. State: Give a short answer – usually you don't have to give any supporting reason for your answer. Describe: State in words using data given in a question, graph or diagram. Outline: Describe what happens in basic detail Explain: describe what is happening and give the reasons why. Discuss: Give a detailed explanation of all the points. For each point give a supporting explanation. Suggest: Apply your knowledge to a new situation – check whether it is asking you to suggest a description or explanation. Calculate: Give a numerical answer Determine: Numerical answer but may require several steps Rewrite the question in you own words Main topic 1 Main topic 2 Main topic 3 Keywords to include Keywords to include Keywords to include Second: use the boxes below to plan the order of the points you will make. Along with each point include the keywords you will use to make that point. Main topic 1 Main topic 2 Main topic 3

2 Keywords to include: Answer Planning – Secrets of success
Identify your question type Pick your keywords Pick your plan and structure Fill in the boxes Select the correct word to link your answers Linking your answers Describe = then / next Suggest = because / so / therefore Describe or Discuss = Because / therefore Structuring your answers Describe how = Point, Point, Point, Point, Point. Describe why / Explain / Discuss= Point, Explain, Point, Explain, Point, Explain, Plan B – Great for describe, explain, discuss and some suggest questions Plan A – Great for suggest why, describe why or describe how questions Point Keywords to include: Starting fact then / next /because / therefore Explain / Point So / next / therefore Linking point 1 then / next / so/ because / therefore Point So / next / therefore Linking point 2 then / next /because / therefore Explain / Point So / next / therefore then / next / so/ because / therefore Linking point 3 Point So / next / therefore then / next /because / therefore End fact Explain / Point

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