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Improving K-SVD Denoising by Post-Processing its Method-Noise

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1 Improving K-SVD Denoising by Post-Processing its Method-Noise
Yaniv Romano The Electrical Engineering Department The Technion – Israel Institute of technology Haifa 32000, Israel Michael Elad The Computer Science Department The Technion – Israel Institute of technology Haifa 32000, Israel The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under European Union's Seventh Framework Programme, ERC Grant agreement no , and by the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Computational Intelligence.

2 Background Improving K-SVD Denoising By
Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

3 ? Denoising Remove Additive Noise Noisy Image Original Image
Gaussian Noise Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

4 D D Sparsity Model – The Basics … z = 
We assume the existence of a dictionary DIR dn whose columns are the atom signals. Signals are modeled as sparse linear combinations of the dictionary atoms: where  is sparse, meaning that it is assumed to contain mostly zeros. The computation of  from z (or its noisy version) is called sparse-coding. D z = D Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

5 K-SVD Denoising [Elad & Aharon (`06)]
Initial Dictionary Noisy Image Reconstructed Image Update the Dictionary Denoising each patch Using OMP This method (and variants of it) is very popular and lead to state-of-the-art results in various applications. The problem: we model small patches of the image while disregarding their inter-relations. Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

6 Residual Content Noisy image Denoised image Method Noise
The residual image contains “stolen” original image information The observed problem: Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

7 Local Vs. Global The OMP ensures that the patch representation is orthogonal to its residual. After patch-averaging, orthogonality of the overall residual to the chosen atoms is lost. α1 α2 + Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

8 Our Assumption The method-noise contains residual image content that can be represented as a linear combination of the very same atoms used in the initial denoising stage. + ? α1 α2 + Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

9 The Proposed Algorithm
Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

10 Dij Starting Point K-SVD Denoise D, Supp Improving K-SVD Denoising By
Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

11 The Core Idea Given: Supp ,D, , Output:
residual patches pre-chosen subspaces 1. Project the onto the Perform iterations of the form: , and then 2. Average the projected patches. Output: Activity mask Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

12 Projection D Given Sij = Supp and D, solve: But
We found that allowing a slight modification to these supports may lead to further denoising improvement. So Sparse-coding additional (e.g. 1) atoms using the given supports as initial solution for the OMP. Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

13 Stopping Criterion is met
Repeat: Projection of the residual patches. Averaging the results. Until ? Stopping Criterion is met Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

14 Stopping Criterion Apply “Pearson’s correlation test” between the active regions of the k-iteration denoised and method-noise images Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

15 Stopping Criterion Apply “Pearson’s correlation test” between the active regions of the k-iteration denoised and method-noise images A correlation closer to zero implies less dependence between these two images. The iteration that obtains the minimum absolute value of the correlation is the best one. minimum |correlation| Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

16 Experiments [dB] Regular K-SVD results Boosting results
Barbara Couple Fingerprint House Boats Average Boost Est. Err. 15/24.61 32.49 32.61 31.52 31.61 30.04 30.16 34.37 31.80 31.89 32.04 32.13 0.08 0.02 20/22.11 30.88 31.12 30.08 30.22 28.45 28.66 33.22 33.21 30.43 30.57 30.61 30.76 0.15 0.01 25/20.18 29.57 29.87 28.90 29.12 27.24 27.53 32.19 32.20 29.34 29.52 29.45 29.65 0.20 50/14.16 25.40 25.87 25.27 25.69 23.21 23.88 28.02 28.23 25.92 26.17 25.56 25.97 0.41 0.03 75/10.63 22.92 23.13 23.56 23.79 19.99 21.65 25.06 25.42 24.01 24.20 23.11 23.64 0.53 0.06 100/8.14 21.85 21.89 22.61 22.68 18.31 20.02 23.77 22.85 22.26 0.04 Boosting the K-SVD consistently. The stopping criterion estimation error is almost negligible. Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

17 Experiments Regular K-SVD results Boosting results
PSNR = dB PSNR = dB Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

18 Experiments Regular K-SVD results Boosting results
PSNR = dB PSNR = dB Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

19 Experiments Regular K-SVD results Boosting results
PSNR = dB PSNR = dB Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

20 Experiments Regular K-SVD results Boosting results
PSNR = dB PSNR = dB Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

21 Summary It suffers from the gap between the local approach and the global need Its method-noise contains “stolen” image content K-SVD denoising is a patch-based technique What about other patch-based techniques? Extract the residual information based on the initial supports We tried and the proposed solution is effective for them as well !! The support of each patch is the set of its similar patches Any examples? NonLocal-Means, BM3D* *Boosting its first stage Improving K-SVD Denoising By Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

22 Thank You Questions ? We Are Done Improving K-SVD Denoising By
Post-Processing Its Method-Noise By: Michael Elad and Yaniv Romano

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