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Look at the subject and name the pronoun

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Presentation on theme: "Look at the subject and name the pronoun"— Presentation transcript:

1 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Emily- ella

2 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
I, me- yo

3 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Emily and Jeremy- ellos

4 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Emily and I- nosotros (as) depending on the gender of the person answering.

5 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Jeremy- el

6 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
You- tu

7 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
They- ellos

8 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Us, we (all boys)- nosotros

9 Name the subject and the pronouns
Us, we (all girls)- nosotras

10 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Them (all girls)- ellas

11 Look at the subject and name the pronoun
Jeremy and Michael- ellos

12 Say it in Spanish Art class- la clase de arte

13 Say it in Spanish Music class- la clase de musica

14 Say it in Spanish Spanish class- la clase de espanol

15 Say it in Spanish Gym class- la clase de gimnasio- el gimnasio

16 Say it in Spanish Science class- la clase de ciencias

17 Say it in Spanish Religion class- la clase de religion

18 Say it in Spanish Social Studies class- la clase de estudios sociales

19 Say it in Spanish Math class- la clase de matematicas

20 In your own words give the definition of conjugating
In your own words give the definition of conjugating. Conjugating is when you change the endings of a verb to match the subject that is doing the action.

21 Give the letter What do you add to the end of the verb when conjugating in the “yo” form? o

22 Give the letter What do you add to the end of the verb when conjugating in the “tu” form? as

23 Give the letter What to you add to the end of the verb when conjugating the verb in the “el/ella” form? a

24 Give the letter What do you add to the end of the verb when conjugating in the “nosotros” form? amos

25 Give the letter What do you add to the end of the verb when conjugating in the “ellos” form? an

26 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Monta- he/she rides

27 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Cantamos- we sing

28 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Pinto- I paint

29 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Patino- I skate

30 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Usas la computadora- you use the computer

31 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Trabajan- they work

32 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Montas en bicicleta- you ride a bike

33 Give the meaning of the conjugated verbs
Descansan they relax

34 Match the subject and the verb to give the conjugation…..
Samantha + alquilar videos- Samantha alquila videos

35 Match the subject and the verb to give the conjugation…..
Yo + bailar- bailo

36 Match the subject and the verb to give the conjugation…..
Mi familia y yo + nadar- nadamos

37 Say it in Spanish Jane and I use the computer in Social studies class.
Jane y yo usamos la computadora en la clase de estudios sociales.

38 Say it in Spanish They paint in art class. Pintan en la clase de arte.

39 Say it in Spanish I sing in music class every Wednesday.
Canto en la clase de musica los miercoles.

40 Final question Conjugate one verb in all five forms. You must include the subject pronouns, conjugated verb and translation to get full credit. Cantar- to sing Yo- canto- I sing Tu- cantas- you sing El/ella- canta- he/she sings Nosotros- cantamos- we sing Ellos/ellas- cantan- they sing

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