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CO-DESIGN PARTECIPATE PATH family school territory

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1 CO-DESIGN PARTECIPATE PATH family school territory

2 Why to do a co-design of the device
Registered project: "When defining and co-constructing the scheme, the consortium will build it on the multidimensional aspect of the phenomenon of early school leaving and on the need for a local partnership that recognizes the skills and existence of all actors (and especially by the family) that can be actively involved in the process.

3 Why to do a co-design of the device
This system based on a family- school – territory partnership (social assistance, public services, health ...) is part of an approach of collaboration and taking common responsibilities for the purpose of the well-being and the success of the students. The device will be designed to give the family keys to understanding the school system and to create a connection with it, so as to promote exchanges.

4 Why to do a co-design of the device
Keywords: Co-design of the device (consortium, but also training of families, schools and important actors of the territory)  Local partnership  Collaboration procedure

5 Aims "The objectives of this action are multiple: - build a device focus on the active participation of families, - develop tools enabling field workers to support families (with particular attention to those at risk of dropping out) by making more comprehensible the meaning and challenges of their child's schooling and the functioning of the school system and to educate families about the positive impact their educational behaviors can have. "

6 Aims Keywords: active participation support mutual understanding

7 WHO (Co-design actors)
"This device assumes, around the youth and his family, the setting up of a network of services concerned by the problem such as social services, schools, social workers, judicial authorities ..." But we could add volunteers, associations, social cooperatives, vocational training .... "The dialogue and collaboration between several sectors, formally established through this mechanism, will help the students to improve both his school and his life".

8 WHO (Co-design actors)
Keywords: Networks   Dialogue   Collaboration

9 What to do to make the device usable
“The device consists of the following actions: -Construction of a space for relations that allows formalizing and organizing the timing of exchanges between families and social welfare actors, -Determine the "framework": position, responsibility, supervisory points ... and the actors of the implementation, - Define the principles of implementation: modes of animation, involvement of actors, participation of families, - Define communication methods adapted to involve all families".

10 How to train all the actors
The proposal is to foresee a preliminary phase for the involvement of all the actors in the choice of the actions to be implemented in the specific situation (actions envisaged in the device), through an event.

11 How to train all the actors
Families, schools, institutions, services, associations ... will be involved in the analysis of: Difficulties in the school / family / territory (community) relationship Resources Obstacles Choice of actions to implement (among the actions contained in the device)

12 How to train all the actors
Examples of events: World Cafè Picnic (or informal dating opportunities) Interactive walk Itinerant visit to neighborhood schools Meeting

13 Output Partnership Agreement Flowchart Path of actions to implement

14 Group work Aims Give ideas to develop "events" to be implemented to involve families in the co-design of facilitating paths for the school / family / territory relationship

15 Number of expected participants
How to involve people (how to support them to participate) What you need: materials What you need: spaces / places Experts / professionals / facilitators to involve Development Output

16 Thank you and good job !!!!

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