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Station 1: Muhammad’s Early Life and Conversion

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1 Station 1: Muhammad’s Early Life and Conversion

Station 2: Five Pillars of Islam  Watch this Video to Learn about the five pillars of Islam. Then click through on the slide to make sure you’ve got them all. Then Be sure to draw a symbol to represent each of the pillars. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE VOLUME!!!! Confession of Faith- One God Allah and Muhammad is his prophet Pray Five times a day- Facing Towards Mecca Fast during the month of Ramadan Zakat (Charitable giving)- like the Christian tithe The Hajj- Pilgrimage to mecca, once in your lifetime.

3 Station 3: The Spread of Islam
When Muhammad began to share his new beliefs in his home, mecca, people did not respond well. They were afraid that people would stop coming to the city on pilgrimage to worship traditional Arab gods and thus the city would cease to be a center of trade (The people were more worried about Money than religion). Due to an attack on some of his followers Muhammad moved to Medina This journey is called the Hijrah = Flight. Here he attracted many more followers, and became a popular Religious & Politcal leader. He made peace with Christians and Jews because they were Abrahamic religions and called people of the book.

4 Mecca’s leaders surrendered without a fight.
After his success in Medina, Muhammad and 10,000 followers marched back to Mecca. Mecca’s leaders surrendered without a fight.    Mecca became a base from which to work towards unifying the Arabian peninsula under Islam.

5 Station 4: An Empire of Faith
Muhammad and his followers were unifying civilizations under Islam. A government in which religious leaders are in charge is called a THEOCRACY. What other civilization that you’ve studied had a theocracy? The Islamic Empire is called the Caliphate. When Muhammad died there was conflict over who would replace him. Use the chart to the left to fill in the boxes in your Guide to Islam Packet. NOTE!!!!!! You will only use one section in the chart to answer the question on your packet.

6 Station 5: Islamic Society and Social Structure
According to the Qu’ran (Islam Holy Text) Men = Women    Watch these Videos: Pro Hijab: Anti- Hijab: Record your opinion on whether or not women should wear the hijab on your own sheet.Then click through.

7 1. Muslims (By Birth ONLY)
2. Converts to Islam 3. Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians 4. Slaves

8 Station 6: Technology/Geography/Economics
 Ibn-Sina wrote canon of Medicine a very advanced Medical textbook used for HUNDREDS of years! (Guess what? He was the first to discover you could catch sickness from others!) What modern day math subject does al-jabr sound like? Algebra Al-Khwarizmi created Algebra. (How ‘bout that name…)

9 Geography Ibn Battuta- Famous Muslim Georgrapher
Traveled the Islamic World to gather information (What a cool job!) Watch the video below to learn more about Ibn Battuta’s travels.   Click to the next slide After you watch!

10 Economy BECAUSE the Islamic Empire spread across ___
Continents (count them below) they had HUGE opportunities for Trade which means they could become very _________ (Hint:$$$$$). They controlled two land routes 1. The Silk Road Arabian Peninsula & two sea routes 1. Mediterranean Sea Indian Ocean Watch the video:

11 Station 7: Arabian Nights
In arabic it is called the 1001 Nights! It is a story within a story! (Confusing right?) A frame Story is a story in which narrates many stories within it. Read the frame story of Arabian nights and write a quick summary. The Sultan does not trust women. He hates them. However, he must get married. So he marries a woman every so often and then kills them the next morning. Scheherazade decides she can stop this madness and places herself into a position to get married. That night, she begins to tell the Sultan a story. At the most exciting part, she says she is sleepy. The Sultan wants to hear the rest of the story, so he lets her live. She does this every night for 1001 nights. Finally she runs out of stories. The Sultan has long decide he loves her and decides she will not die. They live happily ever after.

12 Arabian Nights Now you are going to read one section of the original story of Aladdin. Come ask me for a section! Think: How is it Different than the Disney version? Do: Recreate your section of the original story By: Drawing a Picture Acting it out and taking a picture OR Writing down the main point of your section. TURN THIS IN WITH YOUR PACKET

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