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Miss K.’s Class News Week Of October 15th Event calendar This Week

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1 Miss K.’s Class News Week Of October 15th Event calendar This Week
L.A. packets- Due next Tuesday due to our shortened week Spelling + root word Test: Next Tuesday Root Word Focus: man/manu = hand October 18th- 12 pm dismissal for Parent Teacher Conferences October 19th—No School October 22nd-–No School (teacher in-service) October 27-28: Academy Preview IA (sign up online October 27: CAES Special Cicero church November 7- Picture Re-takes Learning Focus Note from the Teacher Bible: The Story of Elijah continued Science: Invertebrates-what they are and how they are classified! L.A.: Using transition words and closing sentences to a paragraph Social Studies: Finishing Chapter 2 and starting to review for Test 2 Math 5th-Long division 6th-Multiplying & simplifying fractions 7th-Solving one step & multi-step equations using inverse operations 8th- Graphing linear Equations Please Continue to check Renweb to keep up to date on your child’s progress in school! October—Pizza Reading Challenge. Please Encourage your child to read at home! Christmas Shoe Boxes-Sitting at the front entrance of the school. Please take 1 or 2 or 3 and fill it up for a child for Christmas!

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