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Almost everyone regained 7 points. It is reflected on RENWEB!

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Presentation on theme: "Almost everyone regained 7 points. It is reflected on RENWEB!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Almost everyone regained 7 points. It is reflected on RENWEB!
CORRECTION Syllabus Quiz Almost everyone regained 7 points. It is reflected on RENWEB!

2 January 17, 2019 Strong Start #7 Explain what you think malnutrition is and what parts of the world do you think suffer the most from malnutrition?

3 Moral Object

ACTIONS: express who we are ACTIONS: make or form us into the persons we are growing to be ACTIONS: impact the world around us

5 Let’s Write How do Actions express who we are?
How do actions make and form who we are growing to be? How do actions impact the world around us? 5 minutes timed. (This is NOT a Strong Start!) You cannot stop writing until I call time!!!!!

6 Let’s Talk How do Actions express who we are?
How do actions make and form who we are growing to be? How do actions impact the world around us?

7 What is a “Moral Object”?
We cannot begin to decide whether something is moral or not until we know the nature of our proposed action. The moral content of an action that suggests whether the action is directed toward the true good.

8 Actions … what we do make up the content of the moral object!
The “What” question! A “what” question helps reveal to us whether the matter of our action is GOOD or BAD! Actions … what we do make up the content of the moral object!

9 Human reason “intellect” helps us determine what actions are truly good.
Objective norms of morality, like the Ten Commandments “express the rational order of good and evil, attested to by conscience.” (CCC 1751) Can you name some other “objective norms”?

10 Circumstances a modifying or influencing factor
a condition, detail, part, or attribute, with  respect to time, place, manner, agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event;  a modifying or influencing factor

11 to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend
Means to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend

12 Without determining the matter of our actions – what we are doing – we cannot determine whether an action promotes or destroys the good of humans.

13 Stealing a loaf of bread.
The Classic Example Stealing a loaf of bread. This is “WHAT” the person did. At this point we are not asking WHY. ONLY asking what?

14 What might be some reasons WHY a person might steal a loaf of bread?

15 The aim or object of a course of action. Answers the question “WHY”??
NOW… Intention The aim or object of a course of action. Answers the question “WHY”?? The motive for performing an action. The end purpose or reason for doing something.

16 Why you did something (your intention) is an essential element for judging the morality of an action. Because intention resides in the will of the person (subject) acting, it is often referred to as the subjective dimension of morality. Intention is targeted to the goal of an action, what good (or evil) I want to happen. Why am I doing this?

17 Let’s go back to the classic example…
Stealing a loaf of bread … The WHAT was the act of stealing now let’s look at the WHY?

18 Another Example … Missing Mass/Church on Sunday. What is the action?
Why is the intention? What are some of the possibilities?

19 January 18, 2019 Malnutrition is responsible for the death of about 5 million children a year world wide. What do you think this statistic says about the value of life?

20 Group Work Ms. Montoya will divide the class into several groups.
You will need 1 piece of paper per group with a complete heading at the top. USE PEN Make sure everyone’s name is included in the heading (First and Last) Wait for further instructions.

21 Scenario #1: Ms. Montoya will read the scenario out loud. You groups is welcome to jot down a few notes onto your paper.

22 Answer these questions for everyone in the Scenario For all the characters in the story!
Write These Down What is the Moral Object? What is the Intention? What are the Circumstances? What is/are the means? As a group do your best to come to an agreement when answering these questions.

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