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Welcome to St Peter’s Year 6 Parents meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to St Peter’s Year 6 Parents meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to St Peter’s Year 6 Parents meeting

2 Agenda Welcome Secondary transfer National Tests
Sexual Health Education School Journey

3 Secondary Transfer Placement for your child in a Brentwood secondary school. Placement at a selective school in Essex.


5 Brentwood County High- 210
The number of places Anglo- 210 Becket Keys- 150 Brentwood County High- 210 Ursuline-175- up 9 Shenfield- 150 St Martin’s -280 The Ongar Academy- 120

6 Where did all of the children go? Secondary Transfer, Summer 2016
Pupils who left in July 2016 went to: Anglo European – 1 Shenfield – 3 Brentwood County High -3 St Martin’s School -9 Brentwood Ursuline- 5 Coopers Coburn – 2 Brentwood School -2- both scholarships Becket Keys- 17 King Edwards Grammar School-  1 Debden Park High 1 Chelmsford County High 1

7 Go and look at a variety of schools
Make an informed decision. Involve your child. It is an adult decision.

8 Late Applications After 31st October your application is late!
On line admissions will not accept forms after this date. You will be given lower priority and will not be assured of a place even if the school normally guarantee places for catchment children. GET IT IN ON TIME!

9 Brentwood School Brentwood School provides scholarships and bursaries to enable clever boys and girls to experience the world class opportunities available at the school. There are a number of ways in which parents are able to receive financial assistance to help them pay school fees. This help comes in the form of Scholarships and Bursaries for pupils who meet our criteria for financial assistance. On average, about one fifth of our pupils receive such assistance. Scholarships Academic Scholarships are awarded to candidates who score the highest marks in the Entrance Examination (held in January every year for entry to the school the following September). All pupils who receive academic scholarships will also have performed well at interview and a good report is expected from their current school.  This award is not means-tested and is worth between 10% and 20% of fees.. If your child is talented in a particular subject area (Art, Drama, Music or Sport) then you may apply for a specialist Scholarship. Scholarships awarded in these areas will only be offered to pupils who have performed well academically Assessing eligibility for a Bursary: The family's net disposable income is based on the family's gross income, direct outgoings and the value of property and other assets. This information is collated by asking parents to complete a confidential assessment form provided by the school. Each application for a bursary is considered on its merits but, by way of general guidance, a family with a net disposable income of more than £48,000 is unlikely to attract a bursary while a family with a net disposable income of less than £18,000 might be offered a 100% bursary. A family with a net disposable income of £28,000 might qualify for a 50% bursary. Bursary Forms will be sent to all those who have registered and must be returned by 30th December

10 Schools with a religious character- Becket Keys St Edwards Romford
S I F Schools with a religious character- Becket Keys St Edwards Romford Ursuline Anglo European. Coopers. Any where you wish to sit the aptitude test.

11 Ursuline- 23rd October

12 By 31st October


14 Anglo

15 Becket Keys

16 LEA’s Planning and Admissions
general admissions Havering Pupil Services

17 LEA’s Planning and Admissions
Extra Help Line-Choice Adviser Limited hearing

18 The National Tests

19 What are they?

20 All Children in year 6 Reading Comprehension Grammar Punctuation and Spelling- SPAG Arithmetic Two maths reasoning papers A writing level is given but this is internal assessed based on the years work.









29 When are they? Week of 8th May.

30 What else will help?

31 Sexual Health Session

32 The children have already watched the first two parts in year five. We will now show them the final part that covers human reproduction in Summer

33 York

34 The York Trip







41 Who will accompany the children?
Mrs Gunn Mrs Hornett Mr Gunn Miss Neal Mr Saunders Mrs Chalkley

42 Useful information The date of the visit 12th to the 16th of June The cost of the visit £ including £25 spending money

43 Payment schedule Deposit by the 28th September £50.00 October £25.00
November £50.00 January £50.00 March £50.00 April £50.00 Cost of the trip £275.00 May (Pocket money) £25.00 Grand total £300.00

44 Accommodation York St. John College. Separate boys and girls blocks.
Showers and bathrooms on each floor. 24 hour supervision. The children, and teachers, will be in a locked area with the teachers having keys. A full risk assessment has been carried out.

45 What the children thought.
I have great memories of York but the sealife centre was the best. I really enjoyed York and I will never forget that special week. I opened the door to my room and it looked immaculate, I thought -it won’t look like that in the morning. York was a great trip, I had a great time.


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