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Family Centred Approaches

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1 Family Centred Approaches
Bronze, Silver, Gold awards Intergenerational working Parental involvement

2 Family centred approaches
Why are we focusing on this? Play strategy for Scotland (Scottish Government) - ‘The experiences children have in early life – and the environments in which they have them – shape their developing brain architecture and strongly affect whether they grow up to be healthy, productive members of society’ National Parenting Strategy – ‘The Scottish Government's aspiration is for Scotland to be the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up. The National Parenting Strategy seeks to turn this aspiration into practical action - by championing the importance of parenting, by strengthening the support on offer to parents and by making it easier for them to access this support’. Partnership working with all stakeholders in order meet the Scottish Government’s vision statement

3 Bronze Award To develop existing practices staff embarked on the following: Child smile staff training (all staff) Breast feeding friendly training (all staff) – breast feeding friendly award Pre-birth to three training for staff

4 Silver Award Staff review policies and procedures on a annual basis
Children, parents/carers and staff are involved in assessing and improving the quality of environment (eco-day, evaluations, vision, values and aims etc.) Developing an area/room for parents/carers to access regularly Parent/carers involvement in Book Bug, woodland walks, outings, parent/carer information evenings etc. Staff work in partnership with other professionals and agencies to deliver the best outcomes for children and their families (i.e health visitor, S.A.L.T, Popp, Triple P etc.)

5 Gold Award We are currently ‘going for gold’. We are working on the following: Continuing to use resources within the local community i.e library, theatre, café, park areas/park rangers Key staff are trained in Popp. We are seeking additional routes to secure further training (intergenerational) Staff to share their achievements and work outwith the nursery (Education Scotland, Twitter, Yammar, newspapers etc) Further develop opportunities to involve families within the nursery (stay and play coffee and chats, Let’s Play, gardening group, woodland walks, gym, sharing their cultural diversity) Parents/carers and staff raising funds/funding applications (tokens in supermarkets, Awards for All, donations from supermarkets (Morrisons), community grants)

6 Intergenerational working
What is intergenerational working? Increased life expectancy over the past century Generations coming together regardless of age, culture, race or beliefs to share their skills, knowledge and resources This improves health and well being for all participants

7 Intergenerational working
Current practices: Work experience pupils from across the authority Vocational high school work placements Sports leaders from St. Ninian’s (sports events) Primary school children narrating in our nativity play Grandparents sharing gardening skills We want to do ever better!

8 Intergenerational working
What next? We aim to: Build a network with local older residents in care homes to share knowledge, skills and experiences with the children and vice versa Develop further links with high school pupils in the technology department (propose pupils visit nursery and complete a project with the children/children visiting high school to do the same) Exploring the local community and creating links with residents (gardening clubs, reading groups, pensioners coffee mornings, church groups etc) Build on relationships with local primary school pupils for story telling within the nursery Consult with stakeholders to gather ideas for future intergenerational work

9 Parental Involvement Within Glenwood we encourage parents/carers to actively become involved in ‘nursery life’. We currently: Share information via the nursery website, Twitter, s, text, notice/chalk boards, newsletters and daily face-to face conversations Encourage parents/carers to join us on woodland walks, organised events such as sports day, nativities, maths week etc. Encourage parents/carers to come into nursery and share skills, knowledge, experiences and cultures (Eid, story telling, talking to the children about their jobs etc.) We value feedback regularly through evaluation questionnaires, verbally, through voting etc.

10 How can we improve further?
We would like to hear your ideas and suggestions to further improve our current practices

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