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In Haiti, everybody works hard.

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Presentation on theme: "In Haiti, everybody works hard."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Haiti, everybody works hard.
In Haiti, a donkey can carry almost anything.

2 The hills are rugged. The roads are not good and people do not have cars of motorbikes.

3 The people have little money.
In the countryside people grow their own food.

4 Sometimes they do not have enough food.
But when their crops fail, they sometimes go hungry. Everybody has to help.

5 In 2010, they had a major earthquake.
Haiti has many disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. It does not have good government.

6 Many people have to carry water.
Everyone learns how to carry water on their heads. You might like to try it as part of your talk. Fill a small bucket and ask someone to give it a go. Ask them to tell the others how it felt.

7 Everyone works hard for what they have.
Children miss out on school because they have to help on the farm – or because there are no schools to go to.

8 Will you join the lifeline to Haiti?
Optional Activity: You will need a rope and depending on the ages of the group, lots of picture or some sheets and felt pens on which they can write or draw. Ask them to think about the children of Haiti. Write words or choose images to show what they need for a good life eg food, water, school, a teacher, school equipment, a home, medicine, clothes. Stretch your lifeline down the length of the church and attach the images or paper with tape. Finish with this prayer: Loving God We pray for the children of Haiti. We want them to have good food and be able to go to school. We will join the lifeline this Christmas. In Jesus’ name Amen.

9 Little Donkey In the Christmas story, there is a donkey in the manger scene. After a hurricane destroyed their home and farm in 2016, Aimee and her family got a new donkey because people like you made donations to help. Optional activity: Pin the prayer on the donkey. Ask older children to write their own prayers for the children of Haiti and pin them on a Christmas Appeal poster or a large image of the donkey. Finish by singing “Little Donkey”.

10 Happy Christmas. Thanks for joining us on the lifeline!

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