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Maryam J. Al-Harhi Mum , why do we need to read the other way round ??

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Presentation on theme: "Maryam J. Al-Harhi Mum , why do we need to read the other way round ??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maryam J. Al-Harhi Mum , why do we need to read the other way round ??
4 June 2011

2 Contents Quick explantation The two main points of the presentation:
Introducing young learners to English- parents perspectives The use of blog as data collection tool

3 Teaching of English in primary level
Parental decision The city of Al-Madinah Saudi Arabia

4 Mothers’ perspectives :
1. Younger is better : The best time to introduce young children to a new language is in the first three to four years of life while children are using their fives senses in learning the language. (Vos, 2008) 17 mothers from 18 agreed that younger is better

5 2 . Child personal benefit : When they know things in Arabic and English that boost their self esteem (Dana) When they speak English fluently that will higher their self esteem (Sara)

6 3 . For their future: If you are looking for a job, the fist question you will be asked: do you know English ? After tweenty years no one will speak ARABIC (Wijdan) Good foundation  brighter future

7 3. In travelling : English is the used language when they travel
3 . In travelling : English is the used language when they travel. A mother said: I travel a lot and I can’t imagine that my daughter won’t be able to communicate in English.

8 The level of English mothers’ expect their children to master: Mothers want their children to speak English fluently, they do not expect them to obtain native like accent ..

9 English at home: Follow up Children should be followed at home, you have to concentrate on what they have learnt in the kindergarten and get them to memorize them. (A mother) Watching visual programmes English Vs. Arabic

10 English at home: Follow up Children should be followed at home, you have to concentrate on what they have learnt in the kindergarten and get them to memorize them. (A mother) Watching visual programmes English Vs. Arabic

11 The use of blog as a data collection tool
Weblogs, or blogs have become an important new way to publish information, engage in discussion and form communities. (Kolari, 2006:1)

12 Set up a blog : http:\\
Why do we teach our children English ?

13 One of the topic is : English at home

14 Thank you for listening
Questions time


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