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Bellwork: Wed. Oct. 24, 2018 Words: concentration gradient active

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Wed. Oct. 24, 2018 Words: concentration gradient active"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Wed. Oct. 24, 2018 Words: concentration gradient active diffusion osmosis passive 1.______________: movement of particles from high to low concentration. 2. ____________: movement of water across a semi permeable membrane. 3. ___________________________: Difference in concentration across a space ______________ transport: requires no energy – like diffusion 5. ______________ transport: requires energy – like a protein pump diffusion osmosis Concentration gradient passive active


3 Bellwork: Oct. 3, 2018 Bellwork: Oct 24, 2018
That was the last Bellwork of the Cell Unit! the Bellworks for this unit started on: Bellwork: Oct. 3, 2018 & end on: Bellwork: Oct 24, 2018 Draw a line after today’s Bellwork!

4 Remember: Friday is the “Cell Test” you have the review: make sure you complete it and study it!! And have your Notebook ready to be graded tomorrow!!


6 Photosynthesis is the most important chemical reaction on our planet and occurs in the chloroplast of plants.

7 Chloroplast and Mitochondria Notes:
Living things need energy to survive. This energy comes from food. The energy in most food comes from the sun.

8 Autotrophs: make “food” using sun’s light energy (plants and other types of organisms) in photosynthesis.



11 Chemosynthesis producing energy (like photosynthesis) without sunlight from the oxidization of chemicals which seep up from the Earth's crust.


13 Heterotrophs: can’t make their own food & must eat autotrophs or other heterotrophs to get energy

14 Most Photosynthetic reactions take place in the leaves of plants
Most Photosynthetic reactions take place in the leaves of plants. Gases are exchanged through special cells called stomata, which have special “guard” cells which open during the day and close at night.

15 Draw this in the blank area on your notes





20 Plant cells contain Chloroplasts which harvest energy from sunlight. 


22 Pigments in the chloroplast (including the common green pigment chlorophyll) absorb sunlight and use this energy to complete the chemical reaction: 6CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (from sunlight)  C6H12O6 + 6O2 carbon water glucose oxygen dioxide

23 In this way, plant cells manufacture glucose and other carbohydrates that they can store for later use. Photosynthetic cells may have thousands of chloroplasts.

24 Chloroplasts: double membrane organelles with an inner membrane folded into disc-shaped sacs called thylakoids.

25 Thylakoids contain chlorophyll & other accessory pigments, and are stacked in structures called granum (grana, plural).

26 Grana are connected to each other by lamellae, and are surrounded by a gel-like material called stroma.

27 Light-capturing pigments in the grana are organized into photosystems.


29 The Mitochondria: site of Respiration

30 Cellular Respiration Food serves as a source of raw materials for the cells in the body and as a source of energy. Animal Cells Animal Mitochondrion Plant Photo Credits: left: ©Bob Gurr/DRK Photo; middle bottom: ©John Durham/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc. ; middle top: ©Ron Boardman/Stone; right: ©Keith Porter/Photo Researchers, Inc. Plant Cells

31 Cellular Respiration: the process releasing energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.

32 Mitochondria are cell powerhouses
Mitochondria are cell powerhouses. Here is where glucose & carbohydrates made by plants during photosynthesis are broken down by the process of aerobic cellular respiration in cell mitochondrion. Releasing energy (ATP).

33 Chemical Reaction: 6O2 + C6H12O6 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
oxygen + glucose → carbon + water ATP dioxide

34 Chemical Energy and Food
One gram of the sugar glucose (C6H12O6), when burned in the presence of oxygen, releases 3811 calories of heat energy. calorie: amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. Kcalories or Calories 

35 The more active a cell (muscle cell), the more mitochondria it will have..

36 Mitochondria have a double membrane like the nucleus and chloroplast
Mitochondria have a double membrane like the nucleus and chloroplast. The outer membrane is smooth, while the inner membrane is convoluted into folds called cristae. Cristae: greatly increase surface area of the membrane so that carbohydrates (simple sugars) can combine with oxygen to produce ATP, adenosine triphosphate (the energy molecule of the cell).


38 Matrix that contains enzymes needed for the Kreb's Cycle.
The electron transport chain takes place across the membranes of the cristae (crista, singular). Inside the folds or cristae is a space called the Matrix that contains enzymes needed for the Kreb's Cycle.


40 What do you notice about these two reactions?
Photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (from sunlight)  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (as ATP) They are opposites!!!

41 The Seed
Play this


43 Cellular respiration

44 photosynthesis

45 Bellwork: Tues. Oct. 24, 2017 The products of photosynthesis are
________________ and _______________ The products of cellular respiration are _______________, _______________ and (energy) 36 ________ What is this a picture of? 

46 Page 231 in your book



49 Light-capturing pigments in the grana are organized into photosystems.




53 Page 231




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