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Transitional Kindergarten

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1 Transitional Kindergarten 2017-2018

2 Etiwanda TK Curriculum
Etiwanda School District Transitional Kindergarten Essential Standards OWL Scott Foresman/Pearson Essential Standards are linked. The learning goals/expectations for the ESD TK program and students have been defined in the ESD TK Essential Standards. These standards drive our teaching and learning through the use of our district adopted curriculum. The ESD adopted Transitional Kindergarten Curriculum is OWL (Opening the World of Learning) published by Scott Foresman.

3 Etiwanda School District OWLs
Communication TK Year Long Plan Etiwanda School District OWLs Unit Newsletters Year Long Plan image is linked. Newsletter image for Unit 1 is linked. Parents will be handed a copy of this document. It should also be linked to your class website. The Year Long Plan outlines Units, learning goals and themes for instruction. In addition to the year long plan, parents will be receiving a Unit Newsletter prior to the start of a Unit. These two documents, along with class/school websites work together to enhance our communication on topics covered in class, as well as a wonderful opportunity for parents to ask their children about what they are learning, as to make further home-school connections.

4 http://etiwandase. ss14. sharpschool

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