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Research task GCSE theme 1 : Identity and culture

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1 Research task GCSE theme 1 : Identity and culture Task A : design a menu for French restaurant. All dishes on the menu must be typically French - use for ideas if you need support with this. Decide how much each dish will cost and include the prices in the correct currency. You may need to research the cost of equivalent dishes by using a website such as

2 Task B : describe each dish, explaining what ingredients are in it and giving it a description. Use your wordle on food adjectives to make sure that you use a variety of language. Task C : write an imaginary review of the restaurant, imagining that you are there recently. Use a variety of tenses, eg “ I think that the ... restaurant was ... “ “ I ate ... I drank ... It was... Use your notes on the present / perfect and imperfect tense to be able to put these phrases together. You can also revisit how to form these tenses using the grammar explanation weblinks listed below :

3 Choose at least two tasks to do
Choose at least two tasks to do. Once you have completed the tasks, go through the speaking / writing checklist sheet and tick the features that you have included. Now think about your Year 9 / 10 target grade - decide whether you think you have achieved this through this piece of work.

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