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IMPORTANT: ONE ACTIVATION of the expander requires two steps:

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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANT: ONE ACTIVATION of the expander requires two steps:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPORTANT: ONE ACTIVATION of the expander requires two steps:
ABOUT YOUR EXPANDER IMPORTANT: ONE ACTIVATION of the expander requires two steps: STEP 1: Engage the wrench with the hexagonal cylinder of the expander, with the wrench’s handle near the upper front teeth. Push the wrench handle down so it touches the lower front teeth while the patient is opening wide. THEN: Flip the wrench over (like rolling a pencil between your fingers) STEP 2: Perform the exact same motion as in Step 1. For an easy way to perform each activation, have the patient lie on the bed with his/her head hanging off the foot of the bed. Facing the patient (using a flashlight if needed), follow the above instructions with the key. A little discomfort may be felt after each activation is made (i.e., pressure across the bridge of the nose and/or soreness of the upper teeth). This is normal and temporary— Tylenol is advised. Also, a space will likely develop between the front teeth after several expansion adjustments. Don’t worry, this is also temporary. It may take a few days to get used to eating and talking normally. Sometimes patients feel as though they will have difficulty swallowing, but they can eat and drink. Initially, food commonly gets trapped around the expander—the patient will quickly discover how to “swish” with a mouthful of beverage to help this food go down easily. The expander normally remains in place 6 months in order for the upper jaw and teeth to stabilize. Make one ACTIVTION (step 1 and step 2) every morning And one ACTIVATION (step 1 and step 2) every evening Make one ACTIVATION (step 1 and step 2) only one time, every other day An orthodontic “expander” does just what the name implies—it expands or makes the upper jaw larger to create more room for your teeth. It won’t expand by itself—you must help us by using a special wrench to activate the expander. Activation #1 ____________ #7_____________ #13____________ #19_____________ #25_____________ #31_____________ #37_____________ Date #2____________ #8_____________ #14____________ #20_____________ #26_____________ #32_____________ #38_____________ #3____________ #9_____________ #15____________ #21_____________ #27_____________ #33_____________ #39_____________ #4____________ #10_____________ #16____________ #22_____________ #28_____________ #34_____________ #40_____________ #5____________ #11_____________ #17____________ #23_____________ #29_____________ #35_____________ #41_____________ #6____________ #12_____________ #18____________ #24_____________ #30_____________ #36_____________ #42_____________ (1mm) (2mm) (3mm) (4mm) (5mm) (6mm) (7mm) Dr. Tom Orthodontic Specialist for Children and Adults 20-A Creekview Ct. Greenville, SC (864)

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