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Westward Expansion and the Mexican-American War

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1 Westward Expansion and the Mexican-American War
What did the U.S. gain from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? What did Mexico gain? 1

2 “Manifest Destiny” 1872 John Gast “Spirit of the Frontier”

3 Texas 1837: Texas asks to be annexed by the U.S.
President Jackson refused because Texas was a slave state 1845: President Polk approved the annexation of Texas (28th state) Angry Mexico considered Texas a “stolen province” Why did Mexico feel this way?

4 War with Mexico After the annexation of Texas, Mexico cut off all ties with the U.S. Ordered Americans out of California Disputed border between Texas and Mexico

5 War with Mexico Pres. Polk sent General Zachary Taylor and troops to the Rio Grande Mexican soldiers attacked Congress declared war in 1846

6 War with Mexico Why did the U.S. go to war with Mexico?
Do you think the war was just about control over Texas?

7 War with Mexico U.S. troops took over New Mexico and California
Pushed Mexican troops back and captured Mexico City 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War.

8 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
In 1848, Mexico agreed to give up it’s northern territory to the U.S. – known as the Mexican Cession. In return, the U.S. gave Mexico $15 million Increased the size of the U.S. by 25%

9 What was the effect of the Mexican Cession for the U.S.? For Mexico?
What was the effect of the Mexican Cession for the U.S.? For Mexico?

10 War with Mexico Some Americans wanted all of Mexico
Polk pointed out the benefits of a treaty with Mexico 1853: Gadsden Purchase was made, adding southern Arizona and New Mexico to the U.S. for $10 million

11 War with Mexico What were the effects of the war with Mexico?
Political effects? Social effects? Economic effects?

12 What was the effect of the Mexican Cession for the U.S.?
Some Americans wanted all of _____________________ Polk pointed out the benefits of a ____________________________ 1853: ___________________________ was made, adding southern Arizona and New Mexico to the U.S. for how much money? What were the effects of the war with Mexico? Political effects? Social effects? Economic effects? What do you think about these statements? Why do you think they were said? Who do you agree with?

13 Walt Whitman – American Poet
"What has miserable, inefficient Mexico—with her superstition, her burlesque upon freedom, her actual tyranny by the few over the many—what has she to do with the great mission of peopling the new world with a noble race? Be it ours, to achieve that mission!"

14 Ulysses S. Grant "I do not think there ever was a more wicked war than that waged by the United States in Mexico.” What do you think about these statements? Why do you think they were said? Who do you agree with?

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