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Search for Higgs and Supersymmetry
PASCOS 2012 Merida June 7, 2012 Dirk Zerwas LAL Orsay Introduction Standard Model Higgs (low mass) Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Higgs couplings Supersymmetric particles Conclusions
The LHC 2011: 5.6fb-1 delivered, 4.6fb-1 to 4.9fb-1 for analysis
Great Startup in 2012: Gain 1TeV 4fb-1 2012: conditions becoming more difficulty but manageable 2012: 3fb-1 for ICHEP
The Standard Model Higgs at the LHC
Signal dominated by gluon fusion VBF (qqH) next candidate VH smaller with large backgrounds ttH for higher energies exp: common analysis then separate gluon fusion,VBF low mass: tau (but background) VH (difficult: only access to b) WW (leptonic): less mass info ZZ (leptonic): clean, low rate photons (rare, mass info) NLO, NNLO, NNL QCD+NLO-EW, BR: Anastasiou, Dawson, Djouadi, Harlander, Kalinowski, Kilgore, Melnikov, Spira, P. Zerwas and many more….
H ττ usually 1 hadronic tau transverse mass (W+misID-jet)
VBF: Plehn, Rainwater, Zeppenfeld… usually 1 hadronic tau transverse mass (W+misID-jet) tau mass via LL technique cat 1:VBF cat 2: boosted (1j > 150GeV) cat 3: 0/1 j >30GeV Z decays dominate (resolution) VBF channel (2jets) as example better separation (recoil) MMC Z decays dominate 5x signal currently essentially inconclusive
W/Z+H W/Z+bb BDT used (jj, separation….) order 100-150GeV pT
2 b-tagged jets missing ET/Z-mass dominant BG: top, Z/Wbb similar approach order by V pT S/B 1% (lowest pT) - 10% (highest pT) BG normalization from data (sidebands) boosted: Butterworth, Salam ….
H WW lνlν mass information: weak (neutrinos)
Dittmaier, Dreiner… mass information: weak (neutrinos) Spin correlations (lepton acoplanarity) up to 2 jets separate by jet-multiplicity and flavour (e/μ) at least 20GeV proj ETmiss BDT used! WW dominates…. no significant excess
H WW lνlν good description of ETmiss necessary jet categories 0,1,2
Final yesterday H WW lνlν good description of ETmiss necessary jet categories 0,1,2 separated by flavor transverse mass final discriminant S/B order of 1/10 compatible with bg only 1sigma (yesterday)
HZZ 4l good lepton ID down to low pT 7/5GeV (electron/muon)
ZZ main background Z+jets secondary background clean channel
HZZ 4l Excellent description of BG: on-shell Z ok (m12)
off/on-shell Z ok Low mass: width is detector resolution High mass: width is width
Hγγ vertex reco for mass resolution
CMS: use of BDT based on the reconstructed photons (higher sensitivity)
The complete picture TeVatron: (W/Z)+H to b jets LEE! about 2 sigma
Supersymmetry fermion boson
has “no” problems with radiative corrections (quadrat. div.) has a light Higgs Boson (<140GeV) interesting pheno at the TeV scale 3 (or more) neutral Higgs bosons: h, A, H 1 (or more) charged Higgs boson(s): H± and supersymmetric particles Many different models: MSSM (low scale many parameters) mSUGRA (high scale few parameters) DSS (SUSY with heavy scalars) GMSB AMB Additional (s)particles: NMSSM MRSSM/N=1/N=2 hybrid and many more spin-0 spin-1/2 spin-1 squarks: qR, qL q gluino: g g sleptons: ℓR, ℓL ℓ h,H,A neutralino χi=1-4 Z, γ H± charginos: χ±i=1-2 W± Talk Pran Nath ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R-parity production of SUSY particles in pairs (Cascade-) decays to the lightest SUSY particle LSP stable, neutral and weakly interacting: neutralino (χ1) experimental signature: missing ET V-Talk Pavel
Supersymmetry: neutral Higgs bosons
Higgs sector: mass of A, tanβ (vev ratio) tanβ ↑: g(Hτ,b) ↑ D0: final states with τ and bbb ATLAS and CMS: tau pair final states mA ↑ cross section ↓ large exclusion with 4.6fb-1 SM-like h mA up to 500GeV, tanβ down to 10
Supersymmetry: charged Higgs boson
Signature for m(H±) <m(top) top pair production increase decays of top to tau larger transverse mass no excess exclude as function of BR Interpretation in the MSSM: Exclude down to 2%
Higgs couplings at the LHC
SFitter (Lafaye, Plehn, Rauch, D.Z. and friends): arXiv: , arXiv: , Contino,… Higgs couplings at the LHC Define couplings as deviations from SM: Restrict total width (LHC blindness): allow only tree-level deviations tree-level transported to loops no genuine deviations in loops
Higgs couplings at the LHC
near future couplings (if…) ultimate couplings (if…)
Higgs 125GeV and Supersymmetry
A. Djouadi et al. hep-ph/ Higgs 125GeV and Supersymmetry need to maximize the radiative corrections to increase Higgs boson mass electroweak scale (3TeV: maximal mixing) mixing parameter Large mixing, but no constraint on the stop mass: Lindner (et al): 125GeV good for Standard Model up to GUT scale
Search for Supersymmetry: gluinos and squarks
Signature: colored particles large (pb) cross sections many high transverse momentum jets large missing ET Measure background from data (CRs)/ Extrapolate sensitive variable many cross checks possible no exciting deviations Equal squark and gluino masses: 1.4TeV
Search for Supersymmetry: 3rd generation
large mixing possible could be lightest squarks mSUGRA (cascade) MSSM (direct) CMS: inclusive b-tagged analysis ATLAS sbottom pair production: 2 b-tagged jets missing ET Exclusion up to 400GeV 14TeV: sensitivity to 2.5TeV colored sparticles
Search for Supersymmetry: stops
New this month Search for Supersymmetry: stops Direct stop pair production: stop decay to chargino (100%) chargino (106GeV) W* decay 2lepton signature plus jets control regions for Z and top background exclusion zero-suppressed exclusion up to 140GeV (LSP: 45GeV)
Search for Supersymmetry: Electroweak Sector
Signature: associated production of charginos and neutralinos supersymmetric version of WZ (difficult) leptonic decays 3(and more) leptons (muons,e) missing ET Example: Expect 26±5 Observe: 32 MSSM limits: improve on LEP difficult scenario: limits of order 300GeV obtained with increased leptonic BRs (intermediate sleptons)
GMSB Going beyond LEP significantly Signature:
Low tanβ region for 2lepton search Signature: 2 taus with jets and ETmiss effective mass transverse masses
AMSB Signature: long lifetime: chargino and LSP degenerate winos
interaction with material bad tracks Talk D.P. Roy Talk Manuel Gerardo Paucar Acosta for MSSM focus Point
Measure Supersymmetry
SFitter: Lafaye, Plehn, Rauch, D.Z. and friends arXiv: arXiv: Measure Supersymmetry LHC: 5% level mass measurement HL-LHC: improve to 1% ILC: electroweak sector measurements precision 0.1% LHC: 12fold ambiguity ILC: solves ambiguities LHC LHC: hint on Parameter unification HL-LHC: increases precision HL-LHC + ILC Dark matter (deduced): LHC: % level with ambiguities Talk Pran Nath
Conclusions easy SUSY easily excluded SM Higgs: more data is needed
roughly >10% precision at LHC easy SUSY easily excluded difficult SUSY: +luminosity 14TeV-ε
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