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Grazing land / Rangeland Erosion Prevention

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Presentation on theme: "Grazing land / Rangeland Erosion Prevention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grazing land / Rangeland Erosion Prevention

2 Background 66% of all rangeland is “Public Land”
“Public Land” is owned and managed by federal and state governments Bureau of Land Management (BLM) U.S. Forest Service


4 Law Regulating Grazing Taylor Act of 1934
Improve rangeland conditions and regulate their use. 80 million acres of public lands placed into grazing districts to be administered by the Department of the Interior. Land owners granted permits are for grazing privileges Also permits given to build fences, reservoirs, and other improvements. Permittees required to pay fee, permit cannot exceed ten years but is renewable.

5 Tools of Rangeland Management
Fences Number of livestock Weed / invasive species control Fire Mowing

6 Biotic Crusts What are Biotic Crusts? Communities of cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, fungi, lichens, and bryophytes Occur in many undisturbed sites in semiarid and arid sites world-wide. Essential components of healthy desert ecosystems

7 Biotic Crusts Protects soil from erosion
Protects soil from desiccation Fix carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere

8 Perennial Bunch Grass Livestock eat top of grasses
Allows regrowth of grasses

9 Prescribed Burning Remove invasive species Promote new growth

10 Rotational Grazing Use fencing to allow regrowth of vegetation
Maintain proper number of livestock on a pasture

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