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5 Amana Ferro Senior Policy Officer European Anti-Poverty Network

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1 5 Amana Ferro Senior Policy Officer European Anti-Poverty Network
EU Policy Update March 2018 Amana Ferro Senior Policy Officer European Anti-Poverty Network

2 Outline The Context 8a EPSR – Latest Developments
5 8a Outline The Context EPSR – Latest Developments EPSR – EAPN Position Paper & Priorities EAPN Action and Next Steps

3 5 8a The Context ELECTIONS: Italy in March (Five Star 1st party, Berlusconi & Tajani comeback, right coalition?), Hungary in April (is Fidesz’s time up?), Sweden in September (will the Social Democrats hold?), Germany has new Grand Coalition government under Chancellor Angela Merkel BREXIT: progress on Article 50 negotiations very slow, with difficulties over Northern Ireland status GREXIT: modest return to growth, balanced accounts, reduced (while still high) unemployment - ECB & IMF still pushing for austerity to ‘secure gains’ MIGRATION: proposed reform of the asylum system by June 2018: preventing mass arrivals; tackling root causes of migration, resolving internal deadlocks  DECEMBER COUNCIL: increase resilience against economic shock (European Monetary Fund – legal entity); tackle gender pay gap; improve Erasmus+ and recognition of qualifications; reinforcing Europe’s defence capabilities; adoption of the European Pillar of Social Rights EUROPEAN COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME: the only follow up on social issues is the implementation of the EPSR – Scoreboard in the European Semester + Social Fairness Package THE FUTURE: new European Commission and Parliament (elections May 2019); post Europe 2020 strategy – link to the EU funds, SDGs, Social Pillar? What future for Europe – 2speed Europe?

4 European Pillar on Social Rights – Latest Developments
5 8a European Pillar on Social Rights – Latest Developments Inter-institutional Proclamation: – officially adopted in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017 by the European Council and the European Parliament; endorsed by the Council on December 2017 Gothenburg Summit: EAPN President Sérgio Aires attended as part of the Social Platform delegation; feedback webinar organised for EAPN members Role of civil society: explicitly highlighted by President Juncker in his press release on the occasion: “most of the tools to deliver on the Pillar are in the hands of Member States, as well as social partners and civil society.“ Member States still reluctant: Hungary explicitly, others (Poland? Ireland?) more covertly. Reminder of the main elements of the Pillar: 20 policy principles in different social policy areas a Social Scoreboard of 12 indicators, to monitor the implementation of the principles number of key legislative and non-legislative initiatives to deliver on the principles (on access to social protection, access to information on employment rights, working time, and work-life balance. Implementation is underway: mainly by mainstreaming the Pillar (Social Scoreboard) through the European Semester, but also separate action on the specific areas above .

5 European Pillar on Social Rights – EAPN Position Paper
5 8a European Pillar on Social Rights – EAPN Position Paper Reminder of Key Messages: Clarify interpretation of key social standards related to Active Inclusion: EAPN priority areas Ensure policy coherence in the European Semester and roadmap for implementation Make the Social Scoreboard effective Propose ambitious legislation to guarantee rights to social protection and minimum income Prioritize good governance and participation for people experiencing poverty Reminder of EAPN priority areas (of the 20 policy domains): Minimum Income: empower beneficiaries and ensure adequate income support for those who can’t work Social Protection: should apply to all workers, and for those who cannot work or access decent jobs Access to Services: right to equal access to quality, affordable services, eg all public services (water, energy, transport, digital inclusion.) Fair Wages: adequate minimum wages set in a positive hierarchy to adequate minimum income Right to quality education, training and lifelong learning: equal right to ensure skills and to participate fully in society - second chance opportunities, income support, discrimination combatted. .

6 EAPN Action and Next Steps: Implementation in the Semester
5 8a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Implementation in the Semester Active engagement with European Institutions and National Governments to lobby for the EPSR principles (particularly the 5 priority ones for EAPN) and Social Scoreboard to be fully integrated in the processes of the European Semester, plus monitoring at EU and national level: Annual Growth Survey and Joint Employment Report: input letter to President Juncker with Key Messages, quick reaction, and full response to the Package Country Reports: national input based on Poverty Watch; review in EU ISG meeting (March 2018); written feedback; EU synthesis report; national & EU advocacy on messages National Reform Programmes: national input based on Poverty Watch & Country Report; review in EU ISG meeting (June 2018); written response to questionnaire; EU synthesis report; national and EU advocacy on Key Messages Country-Specific Recommendations: input to assessment table prepared by the staff team, national and EU advocacy Integrated Guidelines: input to European Parliament report, on an ad-hoc basis All year: letters to Council, organising EU and national events, engaging with advisory opinions (EESC, SPC, EMCO), lobbying and advocacy at national and EU level; organising events

7 EAPN Action and Next Steps: Social Fairness Package
5 8a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Social Fairness Package Due to come out: 13 March 2018 Expected to contain: Overarching communication, outlining the European Commission vision for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights Proposal for a Council Recommendation on extending access to social protection for all workers, regardless of employment status (EAPN responded to the public consultation) Proposals for follow-up on European Labour Authority and European Social Security Number Proposal for a Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (revision of the Written Statement Directive) EAPN Action Prepare Briefing for members once the Package is released Prepare full response assessment with members (on relevant areas) Disseminate the response and our concerns, lobby for the implementation of the Key Messages

8 EAPN Action and Next Steps: Timeline March – June 2018
5 8a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Timeline March – June 2018 National level: deliver at least 5 national events on the Social Pillar (ie Spain on 22 March) engage with / lobby key contacts (Government, SPC, EMCO, ESOs, desk officers, other). March–June: implementation through the European Semester – Country Reports, NRPs, CSRs March – Social Fairness Package: briefing, full response, dissemination (as above) March – Social Scoreboard: set up cluster group of interested members 20 March – meeting EC Vice-President for Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis (Brussels) 22-23 March – Spring Council: send letter with Key Messages from Country Reports 17 April – DG Employment conference on the Social Pillar and the European Semester (Brussels) 27 April – Annual Convention Inclusive Growth: prepare Key Messages; actively engage with the plenary, workshops, side-event, and follow-up, including evaluation May – Position paper on Quality and Inclusive Education: draft / adopt position, dissemination June - EAPN Policy Conference: likely to focus on the Social Pillar, and specifically access to social protection; organisation of, and participation in, internal debate and public event 27 June - Bulgarian Presidency high-level Social Pillar event (27 June, Sofia)

9 EAPN Action and Next Steps: Discussion
5 8a EAPN Action and Next Steps: Discussion Q & A on the presentation What national engagement so far? Exchange around organizing national events Amendment / adoption of the 2018 draft Action Plan Set up Social Scoreboard cluster Exchange of views on the EAPN Policy Conference

10 Thank you for your attention!
5 8a Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator

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