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FY18 Budget Entry.

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Presentation on theme: "FY18 Budget Entry."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY18 Budget Entry

2 FY18 Budget Timeline May 1st -May 5th: Salary Planner/Budget Development Training May 8th-June 7th: Salary Planner/Budget Development Open for Entry May 29th -June 7th: Salary Planner/Budget Development Help Sessions June 7th: Salary Planner/Budget Development will be closed for budgeting No exceptions to this date will be allowed so please plan accordingly

3 Process Overview Which indexes to review and budget
Overall budget report Reviewing/updating position budgets Reviewing/updating operating budgets

4 How do I Know Which Indexes to Budget?
You can run a report! Log into the Banner SAIS Report Web Go to Report Type: “Finance Reports” Run the report named Index Listing (by Org) Enter your Org number as a parameter (i.e , , etc.) Run!

5 How do I Know Which Indexes to Budget?
You will budget all general fund indexes Fund , indexes 40-41xxxx, 4Axxxx, 4Sxxxx, 4Rxxxx You will budget some designated fund indexes Fund/Index 43xxxx with the exception of xxx You will budget some restricted fund indexes Fund/Index 42xxxx except of xxx & 4Wxxxx You will budget all auxiliary fund indexes Fund/Index 44xxxx


7 Budget Report This report should be run first. It will tell you exactly how much is currently budgeted in your indexes. This will include positions, revenue, and expense budgets. Go to the Banner Report Web Log In using your Banner ID and Password Select Finance Reports Click on the Budget Preliminary Summary report (below the box) See next slide for parameters

8 In the Org field, enter the Org you would like to view.
Click Execute Report(s) to run. In the Org field, enter the Org you would like to view. In the Fiscal Year field enter FY2018 In the OBPH Code field enter A18PC1 When the report is done running, click the TXT or PDF link next to the report you would like to view.

9 Budget Report The top portion of this report will show you what is budgeted, in the listed Index, for each position. This will match what the budget office calculated. The bottom portion will show you what is budgeted for each account code in your operations in Budget Development. The total listed for your Index is the total amount budgeted in positions and operations. This amount should NOT exceed the amount that was allocated to this Index by your executive (for general fund).

10 Steps to Analyze/Update Budgets
Step 1: Verify Positon Budgets Verify the position budget are correct for the new year. Budgets should match what the budget office calculated for each position based upon current information. See next slide for details. If different than projected FY18 budget, you will submit necessary changes to the Budget Office.

11 Steps to Analyze/Update Budgets
Current FY17 Budget Allocation added for FY18 Annualization Amount Loaded into system Amount that should be budgeted Index Fund Orgn Pgm Acct Budget Org Position Current PBUD FTE Current Budget Increased Allocation over Current FY18 Annualized Budget Allocation Projected FY18 Annualized Budget 414003 411201 01 61123 4A6465 3.5232 237,743.47 2,352.04 240,095.51 61124 4C7349 1.0000 84,800.64 839.64 85,640.28 61125 4M0561 46,672.10 404.11 47,076.21 4M0623 46,200.05 1,159.75 47,359.80 414604 4M0805 0.1000 5,670.20 45.59 5,715.79 4M0956 0.2500 14,761.78 86.34 14,848.12 4R6465 0.0000 0.00

12 Steps to Analyze/Update Budgets
Making Changes to Position Budgets For areas under Academic Affairs, Extension, and MAES send an to Megan Bergstedt For areas under the President, VP for Student Success, and VP for Admin & Finance, VP Research, and Auxiliaries send an to Mackenzie Seeley Please Include: Position Number Current Budget, Index, and Split in the system New Budget, Index, and Split

13 Steps to Analyze/Update Budgets
Step 2: Update Operations Look at your operating budgets and make notes of where you want to make adjustments based on actual revenue/expenditures and allocations. If not correct, you will make the changes in Budget Development for your revenue account codes and operating account codes only.

14 Steps to Review/Update Budgets
Step 3: Confirm Total Budgets For general fund indexes, look at total expense to see if it matches your budget allocation. If not, adjustments will need to be made. For non general fund indexes, look to ensure that revenue and expense net to zero or a positive number. Re-run report as necessary to verify changes to overall budget

15 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT Budgeting for Operations

16 Key Points Budget Development is found in MyInfo
Use A18PC1 as the Budget Phase and FY2018 as the Budget ID when entering your budget information (case sensitive) A maximum budget of $5,000 is allowed in 62899 All accounts that have $0 budget need to be deleted. Budget 6% (of expenses) for the admin fee in designated (43xxxx) indexes in account code 62889A DO NOT budget personnel account codes in Budget Development. You will see them in budget development in summary but pull over from Salary Planner (61123, 61124, , 61126, 61127, 61128, 61224, 61225, 61226, 61227, )

17 Accessing Budget Development
Select the Finance Services tab, click the Budget Development link in the menu. On the next screen, click Create Budget Worksheet

18 Click the “Create Query” button
Click the “Create Query” button. Make sure that the “Saved Query” field says None. On the next screen, make sure at least the top two boxes are checked. Click continue.

19 Accessing Budget Development

20 Selecting and Adding Your Index
CLICK ON INDEX BUTTON Click on the Index button to select the proper index. This process ensures the proper fund, org, and program components are pulled in with your index.

21 Selecting and Adding Your Index
In the Index Criteria box enter the index number you would like to budget and hit the “Execute Query” button.

22 Selecting and Adding Your Index
Your index will display on the screen with a link. Click on the link under the Index heading to populate the appropriate fields on the main page.

23 Selecting and Adding Your Index
FUND, ORG, AND PROGRAM WILL BE POPULATED, BUT NOT THE INDEX. Once you have clicked the link, the correct fund, org and program will pull into the screen. The index will not display at this point. That is okay. You will be budgeting the appropriate index if the other elements are correct. Click the “Submit” button to budget.

24 Position Amounts in Budget Development
You will see your total position budgets by account code in Budget Development at the very top This is informational only and cannot be changed

25 Making Changes to Your Budgets
4 Options for Making Changes: Decreasing the current budget amount Increasing the current budget amount Creating budgets for additional account codes Deleting account codes in zero budget lines The rounding is automatically set to 1.00, which indicates rounding to the whole dollar. Do not change the rounding amount.

26 This does not include wage and salary account codes as those are budgeted in salary planner.
To start, you will see account codes and current base budgets associated with them that are budgeted within your index. If you had add comp, overtime, etc. budgeted in FY17 you will need to add those back in FY18.

27 Changes to Operations Enter the amount by which you would like to decrease (using a “-”) or increase each specific account code in the “Change Value” column.

28 Adding Budget to New Account Code
Once you calculate or post these new account codes, the status column on the left will say “NEW” indicating the addition of the account code. There is an area for adding new rows at the bottom of the screen. Enter the account code in which you wish to add budget as well as the proposed budget amount.

29 Calculating Changes Once you have entered all of your information, you can click the “Calculate” button to see the proposed changes you have made to your budget before you post them.

30 Although you have calculated the budgets to check for accuracy, you have not yet posted these budgets. You will now see the amounts that you entered in the “Cumulative Change” column and the calculated new budget in the “New Budget” column.

31 Posting Budgets Once you have verified that your budget amounts are correct, press the “Post” button. You can press “Post” as many times as you would like while making changes. You should now see a change in the “Proposed Budget” column. Once you hit post, the screen will refresh and at the top of the page, you will see a checkmark next to the words “The changes submitted have been processed and posted”

32 Summary of Changes Posted
Your cumulative change may not be zero if you are moving operations budgets over to positions (in that case a negative change) or vice versa. After posting, there will be a summary of changes by account type at the bottom of the screen. Base Budget is the starting point, Proposed Budget is what FY18 will be and Cumulative Change is the difference between the two.

33 Deleting Accounts After posting, if you have any operations account codes with the New Budget column equal to zero, these need to be deleted. Check the “Delete Record” box and hit the “Post” button again.

34 Deleting Accounts Although the account code still appears after posting the change, it now has a notation in the status column (DEL) that indicates it will be deleted.

35 Verifying Total Budgets
Because the position budget is pulling into Budget Development, you can verify each index total in the summary totals area of budget development. This will be a negative number for general fund indexes because there is no revenue in general fund. This number should match your index allocation (except as a negative). For non general fund, this should net to zero or a positive number

36 Budgeting Additional Indexes

37 Frequently Asked Questions
If I have a position that is currently vacant, but will be hired how do I budget the position? If the hire is going to be made prior to close of the system, wait to see the rate If the hire is not going to be made prior to close, budget at entry rate or advertised rate

38 Frequently Asked Questions
If someone’s rate has changed since the positions were calculated, how do I know what to budget? In the spreadsheets provided by the budget office, there is a tab for calculating classified amounts. Use that tab to ensure inclusion of any longevity. For other employee types, the budget should be the annual salary on July 1

39 Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I get the budget for general fund if I have given an employee a pay increase or hired at a higher rate? The funds will need to be found within your FY18 allocation Additional funds will not be provided by the university

40 Frequently Asked Questions
If I am trying to spend down a non general fund index, can I budget a net negative number? You can, but the budget office will check for available fund balance You will also be contacted by the budget office to ensure this was your intention

41 Frequently Asked Questions
For non general fund indexes, how do I determine the amount to budget for benefits? The budget office provides a benefits computation template available here. Ensure that you enter an appropriate FTE for the health care benefits This should estimate benefit costs

42 Contact Information Academic Affairs, Extension, MAES Megan Bergstedt VP Student Success, VP A&F, President, VP Research, Auxiliary Services Mackenzie Seeley


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