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$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500.

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2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Business in the US Economy

4 Types of Businesses

5 Business Ownership

6 Organizational Structure

7 Vocabulary

8 Business in the US Economy Organizational Structure
Types of Businesses Business Ownership Organizational Structure Vocabulary $ $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 People born between 1946 and 1964 are referred to as this
C 1 - $100 People born between 1946 and 1964 are referred to as this

10 About what % of the US workforce is made up of contingent workers?

11 About what % of US businesses employ more than 100 workers?
C 1 - $300 About what % of US businesses employ more than 100 workers?

12 C 1 - $400 Which group is expected to experience a decline in employment growth rate in the next decade

13 C 1 - $500 What % of the $70 Trillion world wide production of Goods and Services is from the USA?

14 C 2 - $100 Which major category of business is the fastest-growing in the US economy

15 C 2 - $200 Business that takes resources from nature for consumption or making other products

16 C 2 - $300 Businesses that get supplies from other producers and convert them into products they sell to consumers and businesses

17 C 2 - $400 Businesses involved in selling the goods and services of producers to consumers and other businesses

18 C 2 - $500 People who cultivate land and use other natural resources to grow crops and raise livestock for consumption

19 The people who make the major policy and financial decisions for
a corporation

20 C 3 - $200 A group of people who join to do some activity that benefits the public

21 The easiest form of business to start
C 3 - $300 The easiest form of business to start

22 The most difficult of the major forms of business to start

23 C 3 - $500 A written legal document defining ownership procedures and conditions for a corporation

24 A precise statement of the results a business expects to achieve

25 C 4 - $200 A short specific written statement of the reason a business exists and what it wants to achieve

26 Guidelines used in making consistent decisions

27 C 4 - $400 Descriptions of the way work is to be done

28 C 4 - $500 People working with others who have the same skills is an advantage of which structure

29 C 5 - $100 The company that owns the product or service and grants the right to another business

30 C 5 - $200 A business formed and owned by members to serve their needs and buy and sell products for members

31 The company purchasing the rights to run the business

32 C 5 - $400 A diagram that shows the structure of an organization, classifications of jobs, and how they are related

33 The operating procedures for a corporation

34 C 1 A - $100 Baby Boomers $

35 C 1 A - $200 5 Percent $

36 C 1 A - $300 Less than 1 percent $

37 White non-Hispanic workers
C 1 A - $400 White non-Hispanic workers $

38 C 1 A - $500 20% $

39 C 2 A - $100 Service business $

40 C 2 A - $200 Extractor $

41 C 2 A - $300 Manufacturers $

42 C 2 A - $400 Intermediaries $

43 C 2 A - $500 Farmers $

44 C 3 A - $100 Board of Directors $

45 Nonprofit Organization
C 3 A - $200 Nonprofit Organization $

46 C 3 A - $300 Proprietorships $

47 C 3 A - $400 Corporation $

48 Articles of Incorporation
C 3 A - $500 Articles of Incorporation $

49 C 4 A - $100                                               Goal $

50 C 4 A - $200 Mission Statement $

51 C 4 A - $300 Policies $

52 C 4 A - $400 Procedures $

53 Functional Organizational Structure
C 4 A - $500 Functional Organizational Structure $

54 C 5 A - $100 Franchiser $

55 C 5 A - $200 Cooperative $

56 C 5 A - $300 Franchisee $

57 C 5 A - $400 Organization Chart $

58 C 5 A - $500 Corporate Bylaws $


60 Principles of Effective Organization
FJ Topic Principles of Effective Organization $

61 FJ Question The number of employees who are assigned to a particular work task and manager $

62 FJ Ans Span of Control $


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