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Wartime Progressivism

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Presentation on theme: "Wartime Progressivism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wartime Progressivism
18th & 19th Amendments Anti Prostitution Increase in Union Membership

2 Social Changes Great Migration-African Americans to Cities for Job Opportunities Mexican Migration-Farm Laborers Influenza Epidemic-30 Million Deaths Worldwide; 550,000 Americans Women-Factory Workers, Farm Laborers, Military Service(Non Combat)

3 End of WW I German Allies Leaving War British Blockade-Food Shortages
German Military Warns of Defeat Germany Likes Wilson’s 14 Points Nov. 11, th Day, 11th Month, 11th Hour (Armistice Day)

4 Wilson’s 14 Points No Secret Treaties Free Trade-No Tariffs
Freedom of the Seas Self Determination for Ethnic Groups Reduction of Armaments ***League of Nations (Collective Security)

5 Big 4 Great Britain (Lloyd George)-Reparations
France (Clemenceau)-Weaken Germany Italy (Orlando)-Territory US (Wilson)-League of Nations “I can predict with absolute certainty that within another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do not concert the effort by which to prevent it.”

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