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Key Points For On Time Start

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1 Key Points For On Time Start
Launch On Time Times have been allocated on the running order – it is essential that you launch at your allocated time Take all seats, cox boxes, blades etc. to pontoons before you join the queue to launch Help fellow competitors launching before you Blaming any delay on the queue before you is not a valid excuse to avoid disqualification or time penalties Automatic Disqualification Crews who are not through the finishing line 40 minutes before the scheduled start time for each division Crews who have not passed the pylons 25 minutes before the scheduled start time for each division You will be turned back Time Penalties 10 seconds per minute (see each marshal group picture for details) Bring Sufficient Warm Clothing / Space Blankets Obey Instructions From Marshals Cox / steersperson is ONLY person who should speak to marshals and relay instructions to their crew Crews who fail to follow directions from marshals will be penalised Time penalties – 5 seconds per infringement Disqualification for repeated failure to respond Crews who are not able to manoeuvre themselves effectively will be held back and will start after all other crews

2 Marshalling – Overview
Control Line “Number x BUILD!” Timing Line “Number x NOW!” To Boathouse 300m 300m 150m Lock Gates Arriving crews keep to centre of canal NO OVERTAKING! 1. MAINTAIN AT LEAST ONE BLADE LENGTH CLEARANCE FROM MOORED BOATS IN RED-HATCHED AREA – RISK OF DISQUALIFICATION (DAMAGE CLAIMS) 2. Arrive in area patrolled by marshals in blue, orange, pink or green jackets as indicated on diagram 3. Spin only when requested to do so by marshal 4. Line up in APPROXIMATE order (lower numbers closer to boathouse) at location allocated by marshal 5. Maintain allocated position close to bank to allow other boats room to pass 6. To help the organisers keep the event running to time, crews that are late or who fail to respond to marshal's instructions may suffer time penalties and/or be sent to the back of the field See Running Order for Marshalling Colours: Blue Group: Eights Orange Group: Fours / Quads Green Group: Pairs / Doubles Pink Group: Singles

Control Line “Number x BUILD!” Timing Line “Number x NOW!” B Lock Gates C A Move to the right “Boathouse” bank after final corner Point Bow Nos Sat D1 (1 to 13) Sat D2 (101 to 115) Sun D1 (1 to 8) Sun D2 (81 ti 88) Launch 10:55 to 11:05 13:25 to 13:35 10:30 to 10:35 13:00 to 13:05 A Pass Final Bend Before 11:35 Before 14:05 Before 11:05 Before 13:35 B Arrive in Blue Zone 11:20 to 11:40 13:50 to 14:10 10:50 to 11:10 13:20 to 13:40 C In position 11:45 14:15 11:15 13:45 Stay in position to allow pink and green group through 11:50 14:20 11:20 13:50 Start 12:00 14:30 11:30 14:00 Time Penalties (10 secs per minute) apply if you are not at point A on time

Control Line “Number x BUILD!” Timing Line “Number x NOW!” B C Lock Gates A Move to the right “Boathouse” bank after final corner Point Bow Nos Sat D1 (14 to 22) Sat D2 (116 to 126) Sun D1 (9 to 37) Sun D2 (89 to 122) Launch 10:45 to 10:50 13:15 to 13:20 10:15 to 10:30 12:40 to 13:00 A Pass Final Bend Before 11:30 Before 14:00 Before 11:00 Before 13:30 B Arrive in Orange Zone 11:15 to 11:35 13:45 to 14:05 10:45 to 11:05 13:15 to 13:35 C In position – keep space for pink and green groups 11:40 14:10 11:10 13:40 Move to start as blue group get underway 12:00 14:30 11:30 14:00 Start 12:10 14:40 Time Penalties (10 secs per minute) apply if you are not at point A on time

Control Line “Number x BUILD!” Timing Line “Number x NOW!” E D B Lock Gates A C Move to the left “City” bank after final corner Point Bow Nos Sat D1 (56 to 92) Sat D2 (159 to 184) Sun D1 (64 to 75) Sun D2 (144 to 153) Launch 10:45 to 11:00 13:15 to 13:30 10:25 to 10:30 12:55 to 13:00 A Pass Final Corner Before 11:40 Before 14:10 Before 11:10 Before 13:40 B Arrive in Pink Zone 11:30 to 11:40 14:00 to 14:10 11:00 to 11:10 13:30 to 13:40 C In holding position 11:45 14:15 11:15 13:45 D Move to Lock Gates 11:40 to 11:55 14:10 to 14:25 11:10 to 11:25 13:40 to 13:55 E Spin 12:25 14:55 11:55 14:25 Start 12:30 15:00 12:00 14:30 Time Penalties (10 secs per minute) apply if you are not at point A on time

6 A D B C GREEN GROUP TIMELINE Lock Gates Point Bow Nos Sat D1
Control Line “Number x BUILD!” Timing Line “Number x NOW!” A D C B Lock Gates Point Bow Nos Sat D1 (23 to 55) Sat D2 (127 to 158) Sun D1 (38 to 63) Sun D2 (123 tp 143) Launch 10:55 to 11:10 13:25 to 13:40 10:30 to 10:40 13:00 to 13:10 A Arrive in holding zone Before 11:45 Before 14:15 Before 11:15 Before 13:45 B Follow Pink Group 11:45 to 11:55 14:20 to 14:30 11:15 to 11:25 13:45 to 13:55 C Wait for Blue and Orange Groups to start 12:00 to 12:15 14:30 to 14:45 11:30 to 11:45 14:00 to 14:15 D Spin 12:15 14:45 11:45 14:15 Start 12:20 14:50 11:40 14:20 Time Penalties (10 secs per minute) apply if you are not at point A on time

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