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Friday Warm-Up Take out your Declaration foldable and glue it on page 45 in your notebook. Pull up my website and locate the answers to the foldable.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday Warm-Up Take out your Declaration foldable and glue it on page 45 in your notebook. Pull up my website and locate the answers to the foldable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday Warm-Up Take out your Declaration foldable and glue it on page 45 in your notebook. Pull up my website and locate the answers to the foldable under the homework tab Check your answers or add the statements that you are missing.

2 As you watch the clip, summarize of what is happening in the video clip

3 French Revolution Play
We will read the play on the French Revolution together as a class After reading the play we will have a discussion on the questions at the end of the play FIRST… I NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THE ROLES IN THE PLAY

4 Roles… Napoleon Narrator Sieyes Turgot Robespierre
Saint-Just Danton Marat Narrator Turgot Queen Marie Antionette King Louis XVI De Mirabeau Necker

5 Key Questions: 1.) What were the grievances (complaints) of the French people in 1789? 2.) Why were the Jacobins unhappy with the National Assembly’s Constitution? 3.) Why did the other kings of Europe want to undue the French Revolution? 4.) Why did the Terror backfire against the Committee of Public Safety? 5.) Why did the French people accept Napoleon as dictator?

6 Reign of Terror: Was it justified?
Read Background Essay: The Reign of Terror: Was it Justified? While reading the passage make sure you are annotating the passage(Talk-to-the Text) Answer the guiding questions that go with the reading Make sure you are providing the paragraph # that you found the answer to the question in

7 Exit Ticket #1 During the French Revolution there was an 18-month period of chaos that started with the execution of King Louis XVI. What is this time period known as? The Reign of Questioning The Reign of Chaos The Reign of Death The Reign of Terror

8 Exit Ticket #2 In 1789, France was rocked by a revolution that called for an end of Absolute Monarchy in the country. Which of the following was a cause for the French Revolution? France was in serious debt The British wanted to invade the country The Catholic Church called for the government to be overthrown The United States wanted independence from France

9 Channel One News Broadcast and Discussion

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