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Neighbourhood Meeting Mountainside Community Centre

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1 Neighbourhood Meeting Mountainside Community Centre
2076 & 2086 Meadowbrook Road (Ward 3) Ontario Inc. Ontario Ltd. March 8, 2018 Mountainside Community Centre 2205 Mount Forest Drive MY ROLE TONIGHT: 1 Set some parameters on how we will conduct tonight’s Neighbourhood Meeting and to be respectful of one another 2 Provide a brief overview of the Planning Process in the City of Burlington 3 Discuss the Policy and Regulatory back ground for the subject property

2 Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions
Planning Department Presentation Overview of Development Proposal Question and Answer Period Wrap-Up & Next Steps Thank you Councillor: For your Introductory comments Planner: Outline planning process (my role is to discuss the Policy and Regulatory framework for this parcel of land) Provide current rules/regulations Applicant: Describe the development Answer technical questions about the proposed development Next: Take Questions Ensure everyone wanting to speak gets that opportunity

3 Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting
Provide information on the planning process and how to get involved. Provide information about the applications. Answer your questions and listen to your feedback. No decisions have been made by the city on this proposal. We are at the beginning of the review process. There is more information to be received and analysis to be undertaken, including consideration of public comments.

4 Question & Comment Process
We are here to: Listen to each other Share information Hear the concerns Everyone will have a chance to speak once. We will begin with questions first. Comments are welcome after all questions are heard. Time permitting, we will take second-time speakers.

5 We Do need to be respectful
We Don’t need to agree We Do need to be respectful Please note: City staff have not made any decisions. There is much more information to be received and analysis to undertake.

6 The Planning Process and How to Get Involved
   Introduction This presentation: •   explains some terms used in planning; •   describes the general steps in the planning process; •   lists ways in which you can get involved in Burlington’s planning decisions

7 Planning Hierarchy To set the stage, on the screen you can see the planning hierarchy that currently exists in the Province of Ontario. All planning applications are reviewed against policies at the Provincial, Regional and Municipal levels and all planning decisions must conform to the higher tier planning documents. Starting at the top, the Planning Act sets the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario and describes how land uses may be controlled and who may control them. At the Provincial level there is the Provincial Policy Statement; Places to Grow, and other related Provincial Policy. Provincial policies provide clear policy direction on land use planning to promote strong communities, a strong economy and a clean, safe and healthy environment. At the Regional level, Halton Region has an Official Plan which sets out a policy framework for land use and development for the municipalities within Halton Region. This brings us to the municipal level where the City’s Official Plan describes City Council’s vision on how land in Burlington should be used. It is prepared with input from the community and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of the community. Below the Official Plan is the City’s Zoning By-law, which regulates specific uses and development requirements. This includes permitted uses, setbacks, lot coverage, building height, parking requirements, etc. The applicants are requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law.

8 Why do plans change? The Planning Act provides authority for applicants to submit development applications to amend the Official Plan or the Zoning By-law. The City is required to process applications. If Council does not make a decision on an application within a prescribed timeframe, the application can be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board You may be wondering why the City would allow its plans for the future to change. One of the reasons is that THE PLANNING ACT, which is the provincial legislation, allows applicants to submit applications for development proposals that do not meet current policies and requirements. The City is required to process these in a timely way. The Official Plan and Zoning By-law may be amended only if it is determined that the proposed changes comply with policies, and result in development that is compatible with the surrounding properties and established neighbourhoods. If City Council were to hold off on making a decision on a planning application for a specified period of time, the applicants would be able to appeal the application to the Ontario Municipal Board, which I will speak about a bit more in a few minutes.

9 Have your say! We are here!
Pre-Consultation Application Public & Technical Circulations Have your say! We are here! Neighbourhood Meeting Statutory Public Meeting This is a typical Rezoning Process Flow Chart. The idea is to show the sequence of a typical application. This chart shows that at every stage of the rezoning process there are opportunities for public participation. The first step is the PRE_CONSULTATION process in which applicants meet with staff to determine the required planning applications and studies that would need to accompany any application. The next step is application submission, followed by the PUBLIC & TECHNICAL circulations. Once the applications are deemed to be complete, we send out circulations and notices to various departments and agencies, as well as to the public. These circulations request detailed comments about the proposal. A notice is sent to all property owners within 120 metres of the development site describing the proposal and requesting input, which many of you may have received. This evening is the NEIGHBOURHOOD MEETING which is a way for us to convey development details to you, answer questions, and gather your feedback. Following this evening’s meeting, there will be a STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING, which is required under the Planning Act. This meeting will be held at a Planning and Development Committee meeting later this year. At this meeting, staff will describe the proposal, relevant policy and technical and community comments. The public is welcome to make presentations to Committee about their concerns, objections or support for the applications. The Committee will then discuss the proposal; however, no decisions are made at that meeting. Following the Statutory Public Meeting, planning staff will analyze the proposal in light of the applicable policy framework, complete a detailed assessment of the technical studies and review and consider the comments submitted by agencies and the public. We will tehn write a report that incorporates all this information and recommend that Coucnil either approve, modify or refuse the application. The RECOMMENDATION REPORT will then be presented to the Planning and Development Committee and City Council for a decision. As outlnied with the arrows on the flowchart, there are a number of opportunities for you to participate in this planning process and tell us what you think. Analysis/Revisions Recommendation Report Council Meeting

10 Have your say! Tell the City what you think!
Fill out a comment form at tonight’s meeting. Write a letter or to the Planning Department Send a copy of your letter or to your Ward Councillor.  WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO HAVE YOUR SAY! You can fill out a comment form at tonight’s meeting, and there are a number of comment forms available at the back of the room; You can also write a letter or to the planning dept. I will put my contact info up on the screen in a minute which is also available on the city website for this application. We would like to hear from you by March 15. In addition, you can also send a letter or to Councillor Taylor. .

11 Stay Informed Provide your mailing address to the Planning Department. You will receive: Notice of future meetings. Information on how to obtain a staff report. Information regarding speaking in front of Committee, should you wish to. Information on how you can appeal the application to the Ontario Municipal Board. If you would like to stay informed with respect to this development application, you can provide your mailing address to the Planning Department. By doing so, you will receive notice fo future meetings; information on how to obtain the staff reports once they are available; information on how to present to Committee, if you wish to do so; or information about the Ontario Municipal Board Appeal process. The City has a website dedicated to this development application which is As mentioned earlier, land use planning decisions made by municipalities in Ontario are subject to appeal through the Ontario Municipal Board. The OMB is an independent administrative tribunal responsible for hearing appeals and deciding on land use planning matters under the Planning Act. Decisions of the OMB can take the place of decisions made by City Council. Please note, you must participate in the planning process in order to lodge an appeal or participate in an OMB hearing. Participation can include the submission of written comments or a delegation before Committee or Council.

12 Ontario Municipal Board
The OMB is an independent tribunal responsible for hearing appeals and deciding on land use planning matters under the Planning Act. The OMB has the authority to approve, change, or refuse planning applications and it’s decisions take the place of decisions made by Council. There have been recent legislative changes to the OMB. These changes replace the OMB with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). Regulations outlining this transition have just recently been released. The important thing to note is that, whether OMB or LPAT, you must participate in the planning process in order to lodge an appeal or participate in a Hearing. Anyone who has sent in comments, spoken at a CDC or Council meeting, or asked to be kept informed about a proposal, receives a notice of the Council’s decision. The notice includes information on how to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, if necessary.

13 Overview of Application
   Introduction This presentation: •   explains some terms used in planning; •   describes the general steps in the planning process; •   lists ways in which you can get involved in Burlington’s planning decisions

14 Development Site The lands are located on the northeast side of Meadowbrook Road just north of Bluefields Drive. There are two separate parcels of land each containing an apartment with 10 units in each. The subject lands are surrounded by a mix of residential uses including apartment and townhouse units on Meadowbrook Road and Bluefields Drive, and detached residential dwellings on Charles Drive. Mount Royal Plaza is located to the south at the northeast corner of Brant Street and Mount Forest Drive. Highway 407 is situated to the west.

15 Development Site 2076 & 2086 Meadowbrook Road
The development portion of the subject lands at 2076 Meadowbrook Road is approximately 0.10 ha in size. The development portion of the subject lands at 2086 Meadowbrook Road is approximately ha in size. BROCK AVE ELGIN STREET LE AVENUE

16 Surrounding Area photos
Charles Drive Across the road from 2076 Meadowbrook

17 Across the road from 2086 Meadowbrook Road

18 2090 Meadowbrook Road

19 Planning Application Proposal: Zoning By-law amendment to permit:
Four (4) street townhouses at 2076 Meadowbrook Rd. Three (3) street townhouses at 2086 Meadowbrook Rd.

20 Burlington Official Plan
Designated Medium Density Residential Official Plan allows ground or non-ground oriented housing with a density range of units/net hectare Proposed ground oriented housing with density range of approximately40-45 units/net hectare Policy d) provides density range for medium density

21 Zoning ‘Residential Medium Density (RM2)’ Application to rezone the property to a site specific Medium Density zone to allow seven, 2 storey (10m) street townhouses.

22 For more information: Contact: Suzanne McInnes, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner – Development Review T: (905) ext. 7555 E: Visit the City’s website: Application website: For more information about the land use planning process, please contact the Burlington Planning Department at (905) or view the City’s web site at:

23 Applicant’s Presentation
 The applicant and their consultant will now provide an overview of the developers proposal.   

24 Development Site


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