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Surface Transportation Reauthorization: Corridors and Borders

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1 Surface Transportation Reauthorization: Corridors and Borders
Jill Hochman, Director Office of Interstate and Border Planning, FHWA June 10, 2003

2 Recap Existing Program SAFETEA
SAFETEA scheduled to be made public today Secretary Mineta conducting information briefings Talk today about border provisions, after a brief recap of the existing program

3 Recap of Corridors and Borders Program under TEA-21
Two sections (1118 & 1119); one funding authorization Administered as one Very broad eligibility

4 Corridors and Borders Program FY 1999 - FY 2003
Program totaled $1.1 billion for 423 awards FY 2002 & 2003 Congress added $467 million funding to the program Requests greatly exceed awards

5 Congressional Designations
Congressional direction increased over the years FY % discretionary to 0% discretionary by FY 2002

6 Corridors vs. Borders In first year of 100% discretion, corridor/border split nearly 50/50 As Congressional designations increased, awards tend towards corridor projects

7 Corridors vs. Borders Awards
Overall, 81% of awards went to corridors and 14% to borders.

8 Awards for Northern vs. Southern Border
Southern border received slightly more funding than the northern border

9 Proposed Corridor and Border Programs: Comparison with TEA-21
Projects TEA-21 Draft Reauthorization Proposal Corridor Program Sec. 1118 Sec. 1806 Border Program Sec. 1119 Sec. 1807 Funding level $140 M combined (no split) Split between two programs GSA Transfer $10 M Allowed Spending outside U.S. Not allowed Match 80/20 Corridors: 50/50 Borders: 80/20 Administrative Takedown None Under TEA-21 the two programs were administered as one. In the draft reauthorization proposal, the two programs would be administered separately. Each new program serves a different purpose.

10 Proposed Section 1806: Multi-state Corridor Planning Program
Reduces eligible uses Encourages multi-state cooperation Proposed funding of $496.5 M-- Separate from Border Program Eligible Recipients: States & MPOs Eligible modes: highway and multimodal Eligible activities: planning where 2 or more States are involved Not Eligible: environmental documentation, design, ROW, construction Federal share 50% from Highway Trust Funds, and non HTF revenue from Federal sources can be up to an additional 30% Funding subject to Federal-aid obligation limitation FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 $76.5 M $84 M

11 Proposed Section 1806: Multi-state Corridor Planning Program
Program Eligibility Recipients are to be states and MPOs Only planning activities Only to multi-state projects

12 Proposed Section 1806: Multi-state Corridor Planning Program
Program Funding $496.5 M total Highway Trust Fund share limited to 50% of project cost, other Federal sources can comprise an additional 30% Other Federal sources could be GSA, Customs, etc.

13   Proposed Section 1807: Border Planning, Operations and Technology Program
Increases focus to land borders Clarifies cross border spending Emphasizes safety in FY04 Proposed funding at $496.5 M -- Separate from Corridor Program Eligible Recipients: States on US border with Canada and Mexico are eligible Eligible modes: Highway and multimodal Eligible activities: Planning, environmental studies, Ports of Entry and safety inspection improvements, operational enhancements, technology applications, ROW acquisition, design and construction Federal share: up to 80% Projects in Canada and Mexico eligible under specific conditions $47 million set aside in FY04 for border truck safety inspection facilities in AZ, CA, NM, and TX, and is to be the last of a 3 year program to improve truck safety inspection at the US/Mexico border. Funding subject to Federal-aid obligation limitation Note – we recently learned about a $9M program in the FY 2004 Budget. It would be for grants to northern border states, FMCSA, to focus on improving truck hazmat enforcement. FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 $76.5 M $84 M

14   Proposed Section 1807: Border Planning, Operations and Technology Program
Selection Criteria Selection criteria focused on Safety Freight Security Operations Access to rail, marine or air services Projects to be selected based on -- expected benefits, including air quality benefits, in relation to costs prospects for early completion endorsement by formally constituted bi-national organizations with both Federal and State or provincial representation existence and significance of signed and binding multi-jurisdictional agreements contributions of other funds above the minimum required extent to which the project benefits are multi-modal

15   Proposed Section 1807: Border Planning, Operations and Technology Program
Eligibility Eligible Activities Studies Safety Inspection Technology and information exchange Some ROW, design, and construction Funds may be used for activities at or near international land borders, including: highway and multi-modal planning or environmental studies cross-border Port of Entry and safety inspection improvements, including operational enhancements and technology applications technology and information exchange activities right-of-way acquisition, design, and construction, where needed to add the enhancements or applications described in subparagraphs (B) and (C), or to decrease air pollution emissions from vehicles or inspection facilities at border crossings.

16 Projects in Canada or Mexico
  Proposed Section 1807: Border Planning, Operations and Technology Program Projects in Canada or Mexico Allowed with restrictions “To” the border state One or more border States may request funds to construct projects in Canada or Mexico with following considerations: projects limited to the improvement and efficiency of vehicle and cargo movements at international gateways and ports of entry at land border crossings funds would be provided to border State(s) requires cooperation of both the border State and Canada Canada/Mexico must assure that the project will be constructed to standards equivalent to those in the US, and maintained and used over the useful life of the facility only for the purpose for which the funds were allocated

17   Proposed Section 1807: Border Planning, Operations and Technology Program
Transfer to GSA At State request Directly or by DOT (FHWA) Not an add-on to GSA appropriation If done at state request, state match goes to GSA and funds available for obligation as if they were apportioned under Chapter 1, Title 23. If done by DOT (FHWA), there is no match and funds are administered under GSA procedures and not FHWA’s. Transfers not deemed an augmentation of GSA’s appropriation

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