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Onboarding Webinar 13 April 2019 Presented by and.

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Presentation on theme: "Onboarding Webinar 13 April 2019 Presented by and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Onboarding Webinar 13 April 2019 Presented by and

2 Welcome & Introductions
Who we are Why the Group Catalog? What else is available?

3 Updating Holdings Through Connexion…
OCLC Cataloguing Subscription Interactively Update and Delete Holdings. Edit Copy and Create Original Records Connexion Browser (web-based) interface Connexion Client (software) Download to Workstation Training Is Available from OCLC: Keep Track of Connexion Usage Using OCLC Usage Reports Requires Cataloguing authorization:

4 Two Options for Updating Holdings…
Ongoing Batchload Project OCLC Cataloguing Subscription

5 Updating Holdings… Many Thanks To The Alberta Library For All Assistance They Have Provided To the Alberta Libraries and OCLC In This Project. Going Forward….Please Direct Questions Concerning Batchload Projects or Cataloguing To: OCLC Support

6 Updating Holdings Through Batchload…
How to Get Started? Set Up an Ongoing Batchload Project When? After Completing Retrospective or Reclamation Project. How? Order Checklist for Bibliographic Batchload Batchload for Bibliographic Records Order Form Ongoing Project to Set and Cancel Holdings

7 Updating Holdings Through Batchload
How Often? Send Files Daily, Weekly, Monthly What To Send? File of Additions and Deletions to Holdings Since the Last Time a Batchload File Was Sent to OCLC. What’s Next? Review Records and Reports From Your Project.

8 Batchload Resources Order Checklist for Bibliographic Batchload
Prepare For Questions on the Order Form OCLC Batch Services User Guide Information About Projects, Records Matching and Reports

9 Updating Holdings Through Connexion…
OCLC Cataloguing Subscription Interactively Update and Delete Holdings. Edit Copy and Create Original Records Connexion Browser (web-based) interface Connexion Client (software) Download to Workstation Training Is Available from OCLC: Keep Track of Connexion Usage Using OCLC Usage Reports Requires Cataloguing authorization:

10 Why Are Updated Holdings Important?
Accurately Identify Items Your Library Owns. Your Collections Are Discoverable Through FirstSearch and Improves Fill Rate In OCLC Interlibrary Loan.

11 Why Are Holdings Important?
Visibility of Your Library’s Collections Through the Alberta Group Catalog! From June 30th to November 4th, there has been an increase of 4,270,122 bib records in WorldCat contributed by TAL Libraries.

12 Using TAL Online Effectively: How it works
13 April 2019 Amy Lytle Portfolio Implementation Manager End User Services OCLC

13 How it works: What’s the Scope?
What do we mean by “Libraries Worldwide?” How do I find my library?

14 How it works: The WorldCat Relevancy Algorithm
What fields are searched? All MARC fields All article metadata What is given more weight? Title, Author, Subject What else is considered? # of libraries that hold the item Year of publication

15 How it works: What’s under the “Editions & Formats” link?
The FRBR Algorithm: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Resources

16 How it works: The Detailed Record
You control what appears by what you enter in the WorldCat Registry

17 How it works: Keeping your information current
Service Config: Need to add users? with your OCLC symbol and/or registry ID

18 How it works: Why OCLC numbers are important
If you have OCLC numbers in your MARC records Most precise searching within your local OPAC But you need to have these numbers Consistently indexed Consistently prefixed Until this is the case, delete the OCLC number search string from your registry to default to the ISxN search string

19 How it works: Adding the TAL Online Search Box to your library’s web page

20 How it works: Expert Searching
Recommended format from the main search box: ti: “last of the mohicans” “ti:” – title search Quotes around the title = Phrase search And good news – Boolean operators are supported Link to complete documentation

21 How it works: Expert searching, continued
Index values and MARC fields

22 How it works: Metasearch (the non-OCLC databases)

23 How it works: More about Metasearch
Default set of databases Anyone can search Only those with libraries with subscriptions can access full text Other Databases Require that your library subscribe to the database The authentication page takes users to your library’s website to continue the search

24 How it works: Additional resources
OCLC Canada:

25 How it works: Your turn!

26 Thank you!!

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