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Roman Gladiators.

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1 Roman Gladiators

2 Gladiator – Armed combatants that fought to entertain the Roman masses.

3 Gladiators fought other gladiators, slaves and criminals.
Gladiators also fought animals.

4 Most Gladiators were slaves and prisoners of war
These gladiators used the weapons and equipment characteristic of their people.

5 Gladiators were named according to their ethnic roots.

6 Others fought as gladiators to improve there social standing.

7 Some emperors even fought against Gladiators.

8 Many believe that gladiator battles were originally fought to honor people or a war victory.
Later, gladiator battles were used as a way to promote yourself to the masses and gain political power.

9 Between 108 and 109 CE, Trajan celebrated his Dacian victories using a reported 10,000 gladiators (and 11,000 animals) over 123 days

10 Gladiator battles may have reached their peak under the rule of Commodus.
Commodus fought as a gladiator himself and was even seen training at the ludi. Ludi – Gladiator training school.

11 Commodus fought as a secutor.
Secutors were a style of gladiator that usually fought with a dagger or a small sword. Secutors usually fought against a fight a Retiarius, a type of gladiator equipped with a trident and a net.

12 A secutor’s helmet was designed to protect him from tridents and nets.
His helmet was tight, round on top and only had two small hole to see through. A secutor had to win quickly or suffocate to death. A secutor was lightly armored including protection on his arms and a tiny shield.

13 Commodus claimed to have killed over 100 lions in a single exhibition.
Commodus had his gladiator battles written in books and published in newspapers.

14 Commodus was said to have fought in 735 gladiator battles.

15 For each appearance in the arena, he charged the city of Rome a million sesterces, straining the Roman economy.

16 Often, wounded soldiers and amputees would be placed in the arena for Commodus to slay with a sword.
Romans missing their feet through accident or illness were taken to the arena, where they were tied together for Commodus to club to death while pretending they were giants

17 There was tension between Commodus and the Senate.
Commodus even taunted the Senate with the head of animals that he had killed in the arena.

18 Eventually Commodus was strangled to death by his wrestling partner Narcissus.
This followed an assassination attempt that had failed.

19 For those who were poor or non-citizens, the gladiator schools offered a trade, regular food, housing of sorts and a fighting chance of fame and fortune.

20 Gladiators customarily kept their prize money and any gifts they received.

21 BBC “Dressed to Kill” Gladiators

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