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11 May 2015 Discuss: Define immigrant. Define alien

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1 11 May 2015 Discuss: Define immigrant. Define alien
Today, I will be able to explain the working conditions that led to northern workers unionizing. I will also be able to give reasons for European emigration to the U.S. in the mid-1800s. Most recent assignments Timeline, 14.1/14.2 There will be an open-note quiz soon!!!!

2 Conditions in the Factory
Pages 378: Provide examples Hours Hazards Workers Join Together pg. 379 examples: Effective tactics used.

3 Immigration Why America? From Where? Immigration in the mid 1800s
Paddy's Lamentation European Waves

4 Treatment of African Americans in the North
Read handout with your partner. Write on the back specific examples of how African Americans were treated in the North. Macon Allen

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