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Volcanoes and Volcanic Hazards

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes and Volcanic Hazards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes and Volcanic Hazards

2 Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics

3 Oceanic Basalt Shield Cones

4 Thin, Dense, HOT, Basalt Lava

5 Aa and Pahoehoe

6 Hot basalt will melt almost anything….

7 …or burn anything !

8 repeat….anything !

9 And bury what it does not burn.

10 Basalt over the road (and everything else)

11 All lavas contain volatiles

12 Basalt Fire Fountain

13 Mauna Loa on a normal day

14 Mauna Loa VOG

15 Acid Haze or LAZE from Kilauea

16 CO2 asphyxiation


18 Composite Cone Anatomy

19 Mount Mayon Volcano in the Philippines

20 Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 15, 1991

21 May 18, 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens

22 Collapsing Lava Dome

23 Mount Pelée, Martinique (Caribbeans), May 1902

24 Fiery Cloud

25 Tephra - Volcanic Ash

26 Tephra - Volcanic Blocks

27 Tephra - Volcanic Bombs

28 Cinder Cone

29 Structures Collapse and/or are Buried

30 Machinary Abraded

31 Power Systems Destroyed

32 Water Systems and Waste Water Drainage Clogged

33 Mount Rainer WA - the beginning of a Lahar

34 Add Rain = Lahar

35 Buries Homes

36 Buries Whole Communities

37 Clogs Waterways

38 Impact Flatten Structure

39 Mt Vesuvius, Italy - Pompeii, a Hot Lahar

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