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15 years on… Nothing has changed

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Presentation on theme: "15 years on… Nothing has changed"— Presentation transcript:

1 15 years on… Nothing has changed

2 Let’s take a new look at the problem
The percentage of disabled people in work is still roughly where it was 15 years ago Let’s take a new look at the problem

3 Percentage point Employment gap
47.7 Percentage point Employment gap

4 Unemployment rate With Disability 9.2% Without Disability 5.3%

5 15 to 64 years old and not in labour force
With Disability 31.8% Without Disability 19.3%

6 If jobs were readily available, and no one was displaced from work, equalising the unemployment rate for PWD to the national rate would add $1.45 Billion to real gross domestic product. (source: NZIER report “Valuing Access to Work” Feb 2017)

7 Not a priority Disability issues are way down the priority list for employers (Source: Diversity Works, Diversity Survey Report Apr 2018)

8 Who is Access Advisors? We assist organisations to:
employ disabled people assess the accessibility of their business environment and outputs against relevant standards, legislation, and recognised good practice recommend practical solutions to identified accessibility issues

9 Who is Access Advisors? (continued)
We assist organisations to: design, construct, and maintain accessible buildings, websites, or other products and services embed accessibility into policies and processes train management and staff in accessibility as it relates to their jobs.

10 The Accessibility Tick Programme

11 Areas of focus Commitment Physical Environments
Employer Support/ Workplace Adjustments Communication and Marketing Products and Services Information Communication Technology Recruitment and Selection Career Development  Suppliers and Partners   

12 The Disability sector needs to work together
How do we cooperate to deliver much larger numbers of work-ready employees to these willing employers …without compromising each agency’s current revenue streams? We are building a coalition of willing organisations to co-design a pan-disability preparation process

13 Web:

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